Posts Tagged ‘Occupy’

Democratic Party: Graveyard Of Movements

By mike flugennockMonday - April 27th, 2015Categories: 2016 Election, Economy, elections, environment, Globalization, liberty, media, Occupy, Party Animals, war and peace

Alright, US Left, time for a little history lesson – and a cautionary tale. Can any of you out there name a single popular democratic people’s movement for peace, liberty or social/economic justice which wasn’t finally at some point infiltrated, co-opted and bled to death by the Democratic Party? Anybody?


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…and for context, here’s some more Democratic Party movement co-opting tomfoolery:
It’s Going To Be A New Day, November 2006
Wisconsin – Look Out Behind You, February 2011
“Occupy” Movement: Beware the Vampire, October 2011
We Are The 1%, October 2011
Infiltrator, October 2011
Occupy DC Visits Democratic Party Fundraiser, December 2011
“99% Spring”: 100% Bullshit, April 2012
Obama’s March On Washington Anniversary Speech, Condensed, August 2013

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Occupy CPAC!

By mike flugennockSunday - February 12th, 2012Categories: Economy, elections, media, Obamarama, Occupy, Party Animals, right wingnuts

The Liberty Lamp reports:
The streets outside the Marriot Wardman Park hotel in Washington DC were alive on Friday, February 10th, 2011, as protestors affiliated with Occupy DC, the SEIU, the AFL-CIO and a host of allied organizations descended on the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, also known as CPAC. Participants traveled from as far away as Pittsburgh and New York City to demonstrate against money in politics, income inequality and a profusion of crimes and abuses perpetrated against the poor, working and middle classes.

CPAC does little to hide the fact that it is a product of and for the elite rich, with a full pass to the conferences costing 200 dollars, a one day pass at 75 dollars and media passes only awarded to a select few that have passed a rigorous background check that would make the FBI jealous…

OCCUPY CPAC! from Wespennest on Vimeo.

…and here’s our coverage of the scene, shot by the Town Hell Posse (including yours truly).

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Obama “Supports” #OWS

By mike flugennockFriday - November 25th, 2011Categories: Economy, liberty, media, Obamarama, Occupy

If the news of Wall Street stooge Barack Obama voicing his mealy-mouthed, tepid “support” for Occupy Wall Street wasn’t enough to make you blow your lunch, perhaps the news that the nationwide raids on Occupy Movement encampments were coordinated by the Feds and Obama’s DHS might induce a Technicolor Yawn.

So, next time you’re at an Occupy protest and the pigs get squirrely and start pepper-spraying and clubbing people, just remember that these police riots were coordinated by Federal authorities under the administration of Barack Obama, and that it’s just as if President Sparkle Pony himself were spraying and clubbing you.

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Support OUR Troops!

By mike flugennockMonday - November 21st, 2011Categories: Economy, Health Care, liberty, media, Occupy

Well, at long frickin’ last, the media have finally gotten around to realizing that there’s a class war on, and have finally gotten up the cajones to actually use the term “class war”. What’s even more heartening to me is that at last our side has finally gotten off the deck and is fighting back.

So, gang, seeing as how we’re in a class war, that can mean only one thing: it’s time to Support Our Troops!

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