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Democratic Party: Graveyard Of Movements

By mike flugennockMonday - April 27th, 2015Categories: 2016 Election, Economy, elections, environment, Globalization, liberty, media, Occupy, Party Animals, war and peace

Alright, US Left, time for a little history lesson – and a cautionary tale. Can any of you out there name a single popular democratic people’s movement for peace, liberty or social/economic justice which wasn’t finally at some point infiltrated, co-opted and bled to death by the Democratic Party? Anybody?


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…and for context, here’s some more Democratic Party movement co-opting tomfoolery:
It’s Going To Be A New Day, November 2006
Wisconsin – Look Out Behind You, February 2011
“Occupy” Movement: Beware the Vampire, October 2011
We Are The 1%, October 2011
Infiltrator, October 2011
Occupy DC Visits Democratic Party Fundraiser, December 2011
“99% Spring”: 100% Bullshit, April 2012
Obama’s March On Washington Anniversary Speech, Condensed, August 2013

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Umbrella Revolution

By mike flugennockFriday - October 3rd, 2014Categories: media, Occupy

Ever notice how the “Occupy Central” protests in Hong Kong are getting so much positive coverage in the US Media? It’s no wonder, when you consider how much funding and training their “leaders” have gotten from US State Department front groups like the NED and USAID.

If your revolution has its own color or a cute nickname, then you just might be in a co-opted, stage-managed, NED-funded fake “revolution”.

The (NED Financed) Hong Kong Riots, Moon Of Alabama, 09.29.14

On Occupy Central’s Ties With The NED, CommonDreams, 10.02.14

US State Dept Funding And Occupy Central, The Ties That Bind, Revolution News 10.01.14

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Detroit Everywhere

By mike flugennockFriday - July 4th, 2014Categories: Economy, environment, Globalization, Occupy

Here’s one in solidarity with the nearly 150,000 residents of Detroit whose water is being shut off as part of a water system privatization scheme.

I’m not surprised to hear that the people of Detroit are appealing for United Nations intervention in what is obviously a humanitarian crisis in the making right here in the bad old USA. For me, the question was not “if”, but “when”.

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FIFA Gets The Red Card

By mike flugennockThursday - June 12th, 2014Categories: Globalization, Occupy

Fifteen thousand families have been forcibly relocated to make room for stadiums and infrastructure for the World Cup in Brazil.

A thousand military-backed police and 200,000 soldiers have been deployed for “security” and the suppression of popular protests against the eviction and displacement of poor families to make room for the World Cup. Police have raided the homes of activists and pre-emptively arrested at least 8 on the eve of the tournament.

Enjoy the football, everybody.

11×17 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 827kb.

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