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My Heart Will Go On

By mike flugennockMonday - February 12th, 2024Categories: 2024 Election, Bidenism, media, Middle East, Palestine, Party Animals, Uncategorized, war and peace, War on Terror


I hate to break it to the kiddies at the Dyin’ In Darkness Daily, but misidentifying the President of Egypt as the President of Mexico is NOT a “false caricature that could jell” — and neither is being nicknamed “Genocide Joe” and helping to instigate racist violence in his own country, for that matter.

All together, boys’n’girls…Nearer my God to thee…  

11 x 17 inch high-res color .jpg image, 1.4mb

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Little Twee Library

By mike flugennockMonday - October 17th, 2022Categories: liberty, media, Uncategorized

I don’t know about your city, but here in the tonier ‘hoods of DC, the Little Free Libraries are a big thing. Sounds really sweet and noble and grassrootsy mutual-aidy n’shit until you get a load of what’s actually in the goddamn things. It’s basically the kind of instantly-obsolete stuff you used to see stacked on the sidewalk in front of the fence in front of the house with a little post-it note reading “FREE” — old college textbooks, trendy disposable political tomes, pseudo-academic shartage by “public intellectuals”, cute trendy late ’00s millennial YA novels, trendy child-rearing stuff, trendy self-helpy shit, people unloading all the John Grisham and James Patterson novels they bought to read on the plane… Sure as hell didn’t see anyone giving away their copies of On The Road or To Have And Have Not or Sirens Of Titan or Ché Guevara’s Motorcycle Diaries or anything, y’know…?

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Sloppy Still Life

By mike flugennockSaturday - February 19th, 2022Categories: Uncategorized

…in which the spirit of Vincent visits my 19 year-old self, turns away even more utterly demoralized, and shoots himself again.

The technical part — learning the UI, how it integrated the Pencil, all that theory-of-operation stuff — was the easy part; I pretty much had the software down cold in 2 or 3 nights. Now the real work is starting, which actually learning how to freakin’ paint.

Since I “officially” retired from the design biz, Mrs. F has had to listen to me occasionally mumbling all dreamy about taking another whack at learning how to paint — y’know, like a proper painter — some 35, 40 years after leaving school.

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It’s Martini Time!

By mike flugennockThursday - February 3rd, 2022Categories: Uncategorized

Setting up the new Mini and sorting out the Great Monitor Mystery was actually the fun, easy part; the real work started when it came time to start learning the software that would be replacing Adobe Creative Suite after 30+ years as an Illustrator and Photoshop ninja. I managed to faceplant a time or two on those proverbial stumbling blocks, but things ended up working out quite well, and I’m closer to getting back to producing cartoons than I thought I’d be at this point.

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