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Hooray for Gazawood!

By mike flugennockWednesday - January 15th, 2025Categories: environment, Health Care, media, Palestine

I was peeping the news from L.A. along with Kathleen Wallace’s recent Substack column about Boss Media hand-wringing over the fate of film and TV stars whose homes were lost in the fires which got my brain sizzling, but the final inspiration was overhearing some smarmy, plaintive woman’s voice on MSNBC talking about people whose homes and neighborhoods lay in smoking ashes, burning schools and playgrounds, people who’d lost everything and had to evacuate with nothing but what they could shove into a bag, living in their cars, living in tents — and it sounded for all the world as if she were describing Gaza, except she was talking about goddamned L.A. …and I thought of News Nation, CNN, the L.A. Times and Associated Press clutching their pearls and moaning OH, WON’T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE STARS…?

Y’mean, the Hollywood stars who pimp and symp for Israel and Zionism, who gladly, gleefully support the incineration and destruction of neighborhoods like theirs on the other side of the Earth by the Chosen People™? Y’mean, those stars?

Hooray for Gazawood!

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Hair Of The Dog

By mike flugennockTuesday - November 12th, 2024Categories: 2016 Election, 2024 Election, elections, environment, Health Care, liberty, media, Palestine, Party Animals, right wingnuts, Trumpism

Yeah, yeah, I know… but the only way to properly express the mood of this piece was to set it in a dark, grim mid-20th dive, with a permanently-circulating ceiling haze and ashtrays you could cave someone’s head in with.

Dude should know by now that that old wives’ cure never works. He’s heading for a king-size Trumpover.
It’s a quarter to three.

11 x 14 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 543kb.

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“No comment…”

By mike flugennockFriday - August 18th, 2023Categories: 2024 Election, Bidenism, elections, environment, media, Party Animals, Ukrainamania, war and peace

So, to recap: Apparently due to power utility malfeasance, wildfires break out on the island of Maui, State of Hawaii. Many Hawaiians die and are still dying, from all reports. Catching up with President Gropey Joe in Drunken College Dipshit Central — aka Rehoboth, Delaware — reporters asked El Presidente about the Maui situation, to which he replied “no comment” and clambered on into his Presidential Escalade.

It may be unlikely to guess the final death toll in Maui, but it’ll be easy enough to guess the total death count from the $200m in refills for their fancy truck-mounted rocket launchers to keep up their ongoing, Ukrainian meat-grinding “Duck Soup” Offensive.

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Vote harder!

By mike flugennockTuesday - July 5th, 2022Categories: Bidenism, Economy, environment, Party Animals

“Kristi Parrott is joining the Subcommittee on Environment from HBW Resources, where she lobbied Congress on behalf of an astroturf group for oil majors…” —Donald Shaw at Sludge, 07.01.2022

This was inspired by the lead foto in this article I caught at Sludge a few days ago.

This, kiddies, is the party people are expecting to fight for reproductive rights — the party who couldn’t get you universal healthcare, or decent COVID relief, or housing relief, or an unemployment benefits extension during the pandemic, who’s instead shoveling cash into a capitalist proxy war in the Ukraine, now signing up Big Oil lobbyists for the House Environmental Subcommittee.

If you think the DNC is going to lift a finger for women, or the working class, or the poor, or anyone else who’s really struggling in this goddamn country, you’re as stupid as you look.

Vote harder!

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