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Fashionably Fashy

By mike flugennockFriday - January 24th, 2025Categories: 2024 Election, elections, media, Party Animals, right wingnuts, Trumpism

“Not a single Roman work of art — sculpture, coinage, or painting — displays a salute of the kind that is found in Fascism, Nazism, and related ideologies… It is also unknown to Roman literature and is never mentioned by ancient historians of either republican or imperial Rome. The gesture of the raised right arm or hand in Roman and other ancient cultures that is attested in surviving art and literature had a significantly different function and is never identical with the modern straight-arm salute.”
— Martin Winkler, in “The Roman Salute: Cinema, History, Ideology”

…just in case you run into any fashy apologists or Musk symps trying to explain it away by saying it’s a “Roman Salute”.

So just cut the crap already, ‘cos all the wide-open fash are wide-open loving it and — like the original — the Early 21st sequel also features craven-ass collaborators, in the form of the Democratic Party.

11 x 16.5 inch high-res color .jpg image, 777kb

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Banana, Banana, Banana, Banana no.2

By mike flugennockTuesday - December 3rd, 2024Categories: 2024 Election, Bidenism, elections, media, Party Animals

“By pardoning his son, Joe Biden has reneged on a public promise that he made repeatedly before and after dropping out of the 2024 presidential race. The president and his top White House spokesperson said unequivocally, including after Trump won the 2024 election, that he would not pardon Hunter Biden or commute his sentence…”
—CNN, 12.02.2024

Still waiting for the Liberal chatterers at CNN and MSNBC to unload with two solid hours of screeching about how nobody is above the Rule Of Law™.

8.5 x 17 inch high-res color jpg image, 743kb

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Hair Of The Dog

By mike flugennockTuesday - November 12th, 2024Categories: 2016 Election, 2024 Election, elections, environment, Health Care, liberty, media, Palestine, Party Animals, right wingnuts, Trumpism

Yeah, yeah, I know… but the only way to properly express the mood of this piece was to set it in a dark, grim mid-20th dive, with a permanently-circulating ceiling haze and ashtrays you could cave someone’s head in with.

Dude should know by now that that old wives’ cure never works. He’s heading for a king-size Trumpover.
It’s a quarter to three.

11 x 14 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 543kb.

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Choose Joy.

By mike flugennockThursday - October 24th, 2024Categories: 2024 Election, Bidenism, elections, media, Palestine, Party Animals

So, I’m out doing my laps earlier this week, and I spot this lawn sign in front of a house about 2 blocks around the corner from us — and all I can think is that somebody in the DNC’s ad agencies isn’t quite clear on the concept of “joy”. Not just as an intelligent human, but as a designer and art director with 30+ years in the biz, I gotta say that this choice of color and typography does NOT bespeak “joy”.

The sign glowers at me, dark and mean, telling me to “choose joy” as if issuing an order, as if implying “…or ELSE” — coming off like the latest in a long line of fascistic, authoritarian slogans: War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery, Ignorance Is Strength; Arbeit Macht Frei; Country Over Party. Choose Joy, or else.

8.5 x 12 inch high-res color .jpg image, 909 kb

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