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Heard Ya’ Missed Me, So I’m Back!

By mike flugennockTuesday - August 29th, 2023Categories: Bidenism, coronavirus, Health Care, media, Ukrainamania, war and peace

Yep, I heard Americans were kinda missing being in quarantine and out of work with no safety net; friends, family and neighbors getting sick and dying, science denialists going apeshit, government and media blaming China for everything, so here I am — back again, Amerika, right when you’re trying to stir up a world war and inflation’n’austerity are crushing the shit out of you, and your influence is cratering and you’ve just been made a global fool of and you’re cruising for comeuppance, yeah — heard ya’ missed me, so I’m back to fuck your shit up, Amerika.

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A Strong Primary Challenge

By mike flugennockSaturday - July 29th, 2023Categories: 2024 Election, Bidenism, coronavirus, elections, media, Party Animals

Well, kiddies, for those of you following the little Democracy™ game, it’s no secret that DNC voters are about as enthusiastic over Joe Biden next year as they’d be over having to eat glass. So, for all those desperate Dems who can’t seem to bust out of the electoral prison, the idea of a primary challenge sounds made of awesome.

So, who do they get — a fresh, bold progressive insurgent in the Bernie Sanders mold? Nahh, hell no, man — they get a xenophobic antivax Kennedy spawn and a bougie self-help guru who’s the “spiritual adviser” to Oprah. OPRAH, f’crissake. Hell, man, if that’s not a prime qualification for the White House, I’d like to know what is.

Hello, Second Trump Administration.

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2023 and Me

By mike flugennockSunday - January 1st, 2023Categories: Bidenism, coronavirus, Economy, elections, Health Care, liberty, media, Ukrainamania

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“White Paper” Revolution

By mike flugennockThursday - December 8th, 2022Categories: Bidenism, China, coronavirus, Health Care, media

Welp… (siggghhh) another day, another US-cheered and instigated protest “movement” for “freedom” in China, slavishly “reported” by the US boss’ media. Hell, they’ve even got a cute gimmick and a cute nickname to go with it already. The “White Paper” Revolution, the wags are calling it at the State Department, NED, USAID, New York Times, Washington Post, and every goddamn cable news network on Earth, and it’s supposedly all about some Ayn Rand concept of “freedom” from the testing and quarantine requirements of China’s largely successful public health response, which is aimed at getting as close to completely eradicating the virus as they can get — as opposed to the US, which abandoned the population to its own devices to sicken and die of COVID19 to the tune of just over a million people last year.

Freedom, my ass — the freedom of ignorant, Ayn Rand brutalists whose twisted ideas of “bodily autonomy” include no concept whatsogoddamnever of acting conscientiously or making small sacrifices for the public good. It’s the freedom of selfish chuds who want haircuts and ice cream, who want to be “served” no matter what the actual human cost.

This astroturf circus isn’t about freedom, it’s about the likes of Tesla, Intel, Apple and others who are impatient to literally work people to death in China the way they have in the US for the past two years.

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