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Ding Dong, The Witch Is Dead!

By mike flugennockThursday - March 24th, 2022Categories: 2016 Election, Clintontime, Globalization, Iraq, Middle East, Party Animals, right wingnuts, war and peace

Well, I’ll be goddamned. I thought she’d never die. I figured she’d made a deal with Satan — or was it Henry Kissinger? It’s hard to tell these days.

The news bulletin didn’t say exactly how she died, though I suspect some dippy chick from Kansas accidentally dumped a bucket of water on her shriveled-up old ass. According to her bio, she was 84, though to be quite honest, I don’t think the old battle-axe looked a day over 200.

She said that the deaths of half a million Iraqis — at least half of them children — from US economic warfare was “worth it”.

She said in 2016 that there was “a special place in Hell” for voters who wouldn’t support Hillary Clinton.

Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha haahhh, yeah. Special place in Hell? Suits me fine. I’ll see ya’ down there, BEYOTCH.

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Blast From Yer Past: “Humaniterrorism”, June 1999

By mike flugennockFriday - February 24th, 2017Categories: Clintontime, war and peace

After that remix of some old Yipster Times cartoons went so well, I thought it might be fun to find some more BFYP candidates among my old cartoons from around the turn of the century. This one has always remained a personal favorite, and is also special because it promoted the first event I ever worked on with long-time comrade and BBF Adam Eidinger of DCMJ and Prop 71 fame — the “Not A Victory Parade” protesting the US/NATO bombing campaign in Yugoslavia in the spring of 1999.

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Here’s the art in action, printed as a placard and carried in the march. You can see it right there behind and to the left of that boring-ass IAC/ANSWER placard.

(continue reading…)

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Stronger Together

By mike flugennockTuesday - September 13th, 2016Categories: 2016 Election, Clintontime, elections, media

Hillary Clinton’s recent collapse at a Nineleven™ anniversary ceremony — with all the obligatory Clinton campaign spin, dissembling and lies — has given a whole new meaning to the Democratic Party’s campaign slogan, “Stronger Together”.

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Smashing Blackberries

By mike flugennockWednesday - September 7th, 2016Categories: 2016 Election, Clintontime, elections, media, Party Animals, Russiagate

When I picked up the morning Post off my front stoop last Tuesday morning and got a look at the front page, I knew this was arguably one of their most sublimely insulting headlines ever. Here was the Ice Queen obviously destroying evidence under investigation — along with other actions that would result in immediate firing and imprisonment for people who aren’t Hillary Clinton — and the Washington Post is queefing out yet another blast of tired old 1950s red-baiting and dick-wagging, continuing to aid Clinton and the Democrats’ ongoing deflection of blame and claims of victimhood.

After over a year of Hillary and the Democrats’ lies, half-truths, primary rigging, thievery, bullying, threats and insults, the Washington Post still insists that it’s the Russians — the goddamn’ Russians — who are responsible for the loss of faith and trust in the American electoral process. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I don’t need the Russians’ help to lose my trust in American “democracy”.

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