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Overheard at #DemocracySpring

By mike flugennockMonday - April 18th, 2016Categories: elections, media

Ahh, Democracy Spring — that time when a young activist’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of mindlessly lining up for a meaningless, symbolic, ceremonial civil disobedience at the Capitol which does absolutely nada to change the status quo of American politics.

At last report, the Democracy Spring “production” was well on its way to hitting its goal of 3500 civil disobedience arrests at the Capitol — and they really are into yelling about how they’re breaking the record for CD arrests at the Capitol, almost to the point of fetishizing. At a $50 fine for each arrest, Democracy Spring is fattening up the US Capitol Police coffers to the tune of $175k — especially given that, if on-the-ground accounts are to be believed, many of the Democracy Springers are getting back in line to be arrested again after being taken around the back of the Capitol to be cited, fines paid, and released.

Well, shut my mouth — looks like nonviolent civil disobedience really does work… sorta kinda.

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By mike flugennockFriday - April 15th, 2016Categories: 2016 Election, Clintontime, elections, media

For a few weeks or so earlier this year, MSNBC was running a network promo with this clip of Hillary Clinton speaking, and it had to be the nastiest sounding stuff I’d heard her spew out in years. Hillary’s voice sounded raspy, raw, shrieking like a pissed-off junior high school principal, a voice that could cut glass. You could tell she was trying to sound all forceful and dynamic and Presidential n’shit, but instead all I could think of was the Wicked Witch Of The West. With that raspy shrieky voice, all Hillary needed was a big pointy hat and a broom.

No doubt buttloads of old-skool 1970s feminist language cops will get on my case for comparing Hillary to the WWotW, but, hey… if the shoe fits, strap that motherfucker on.

11×17 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 1.3mb

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Decision 2016

By mike flugennockWednesday - April 6th, 2016Categories: 2016 Election, elections, media

Y’know, if any of the shenanigans being reported in the US Presidential primaries — especially on the Democratic side — were going on in any other country, the UN would be so totally up in their shit in a New York minute, man.

Check out this and more at @ElectionBoycott and at #ArizonaElectionFraud.

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By mike flugennockSunday - April 3rd, 2016Categories: DC Local, elections, environment, liberty, smoke-ins

#deschedule420 the White House 04.02.16 from Mike Flugennock on Vimeo.



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