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Weed War is Race War!

By mike flugennockThursday - May 5th, 2016Categories: DC Local, Health Care, Obamarama, liberty, media, smoke-ins

The initial decision to criminalize marijuana in 1937 wasn’t based on a study of the science and biology of addiction or pharmacology, but purely on politics and racism. Harry Anslinger, Commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics — precursor to today’s DEA — was a notorious racist and liar who based his opinions on marijuana on pure, raw racist stereotypes and who believed that marijuana was a sure gateway to violence, sedition and social discontent. It was Anslinger’s inflammatory lies which led to the passage of state marijuana laws as a component of Jim Crow and stoked the hype for propaganda films such as Marihuana: The Devil’s Weed and Reefer Madness.

As a follow-up to their wildly epic April 2nd event and their historic meeting with White House representives from the Office of National Drug Control Policy, DCMJ — the people who brought you legal weed in DC — are throwing a sequel to April 2 on May 20, the one-month anniversary of 4/20, to highlight the fact that Obama is late on descheduling cannabis, and to remind folks of the racism behind the 1937 marijuana ban which is still a major component of the War On Drugs.

And, here’s more of the wit and wisdom of Harry Anslinger…

11×15 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 680kb

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Glass Ceiling

By mike flugennockFriday - April 29th, 2016Categories: 2016 Election, Clintontime, Party Animals, elections, media

When women like Carly Fiorina, Sheryl Sandberg and Hillary Clinton break the “glass ceiling”, it’s because they’re standing on the backs of millions of poor and working-class women who are lucky to see the floor.

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He’s Late!

By mike flugennockTuesday - April 26th, 2016Categories: Health Care, Obamarama, liberty, smoke-ins

Yesterday, following on the heels of a successful “Smoke-In” protest earlier this month, was DCMJ’s historic meeting with White House officials from the Office Of National Drug Control Policy concerning the rescheduling or descheduling of marijuana from its current status at Schedule 1 — listed alongside heroin and methamphetamine. Along with combat veteran Brandon Wyatt of the group “Weed For Warriors”, DCMJ leaders Adam Eidinger and Nikolas Schiller spoke to the ONDCP representatives at length on the need for a political — rather than scientific — solution to the current cannabis prohibition situation. Citing the racism of Federal Narcotics Bureau Commissioner Harry Anslinger (responsible for the initial Federal ban on cannabis in the 1930s) and, later, President Nixon in the late ’60s and early ’70s, Eidinger asserted that because cannabis prohibition was a political act, a solution to end prohibition must also be political.

Eidinger and Schiller called for a followup to this meeting at a higher level, a “bud summit” at the White House with El Presidente himself. “He doesn’t even have to say anything,” commented Eidinger, “he just needs to listen. Because it’s going to take a year of dialogue at the federal level to figure out federal legalization.”

Listening to a recording of the ONDCP meeting at a “post-mortem” meeting back at the DCMJ office, conversation turned toward the fact that Obama was late in deciding on how to handle Federal legalization; “late for 4/20″ was the joke going around the room, and it inspired a literary analogy “hook” on which to hang a “hashtag point” — #HesLate — and this cartoon.

11×14 inch medium-res .jpg image, 856kb.

11×17 inch May 20 poster, medium-res .jpg image, 3.3mb.

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Gentlemen Prefer Hillary

By mike flugennockFriday - April 22nd, 2016Categories: 2016 Election, Clintontime, Party Animals, elections, media

Economic justice seems so sentimental,
but Wall Street is a girl’s best friend –

15 an hour is so detrimental,
when Wall Street is a girl’s best friend…!

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(continue reading…)

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