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By mike flugennockWednesday - March 2nd, 2016Categories: DC Local, Obamarama, liberty

We’re moving 420 to 4/2 because Obama has been a big, fat ZERO on cannabis rescheduling!

So, join us at the White House on April 2 at 2pm for an afternoon of truth, fun and protest. Get more info at or follow DCMJ on Twitter.

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By mike flugennockThursday - February 18th, 2016Categories: DC Local, elections, liberty

"Bird-dogging" at Rep. Andy Harris fundraiser, 02.16.16 from Mike Flugennock on Vimeo.

This past Tuesday, I joined the DCMJ Posse on a trip up the highway to Bel Air, Maryland, in the state’s 1st Congressional District, represented by one Andy Harris. Most of you will remember Andy as the Congressman who tried to overturn the results of the DC referendum which enacted Proposition 71, which legalized the private use, possession and growing of marijuana.

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Blast From My Past: summer ‘78

By mike flugennockThursday - February 11th, 2016Categories: Uncategorized, smoke-ins

A few weeks ago my “baby sister” (now 51) finally finished straightening out our late mother’s estate and got the house sold. The Sunday after we signed off on the sale, Sis and I met up out at Mom’s house to grab a last few things we wanted to save before the Salvation Army guys cleared the place out.

It turns out my sister had found and put aside for me a couple of boxes filled with old reprints of my high school and college newspaper cartoons and old studio class sketchbooks from my senior year of college. Among the sketchbooks was one nearly half full of old comic strips and cartoons I’d done for Outlaws, the old DC Yippie ‘zine, the summer after the notorious 1978 White House Smoke-In — work I thought had been lost forever.

I was surprised at how little I winced as I flipped through the sketchbooks. Granted, the gags are rather obscure and unarguably dated, but technically the work itself still actually holds up rather well.

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Raging Cow

By mike flugennockWednesday - February 10th, 2016Categories: 2016 Election, Clintontime, Economy, Party Animals, elections, media

I’ve broken a promise I made to myself to avoid doing election cartoons at all costs, but my muse wouldn’t quit kicking me in the nuts until I did this. When the news got out about Hillary Clinton’s wet, sloppy blowjob of a speech to Goldman Sachs honchos and about her casting around among Goldman’s executive ranks for cabinet appointments — especially at Treasury — it was a story too hot to not jump on.

While this news was certainly appalling, I still have to thank the Ice Queen and give her some due props for getting right out front with being a Wall Street tool and owning it in front of the media, God and everybody.

None of you Liberals out there can say you didn’t know the score, now.

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