Posts Tagged ‘9/11’

…Or The Virus Wins

By mike flugennockWednesday - December 1st, 2021Categories: Bidenism, coronavirus, Economy, Health Care

Remember right after Nineleven™ when the travel industry and retail were imploding, and Bush and that bunch were telling everybody to “go shopping, or the terrorists win”? Welp… same deal here. The State and Capital won’t do what needs to be done to keep us safe and to eradicate Covid-19, and have chosen instead to go with “herd immunity” (a.k.a. “mass death”) to serve Capital at the expense of the working class and their families.

…and speaking of serving Capital — all the sudden squawking about the “supply chain” kinda smelled funny to me from the get-go simply because every major US media outlet and their uncle all started yelling ZOMG SUPPLY CHAIN almost simultaneously, as if somebody threw a switch, not unlike all the screaming about the “labor shortage”. My suspicions were pretty much confirmed the other day when, while catching my daily 15 seconds of MSNBC, they were doing their daily Supply Chain Meltdown and one of their “guest analysts” was the CEO of Mattel.

Yeah, that’s right; that’s what this pants-crapping is all about — not enough Barbies at Wal-Mart for Christmas.

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Never Forget

By mike flugennockSunday - September 4th, 2011Categories: Afghanistan, Bushit, liberty, media, Middle East, Obamarama, war and peace, War on Terror

Never forget how the State used the attacks of September 11, 2001 as a pretext to shred the Constitution and encourage the escalation of police thuggery against citizens.

Never forget how the State used September 11 to encourage profiteering in the “defense” and “security” industries at the expense of citizens.

Never forget how the State used September 11 as a pretext for illegal wars and military occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Never forget how the State used September 11 as a pretext for illegal imprisonment, secret courts and torture.

Never forget that the atmosphere of oppression, suspicion, paranoia and racism which has taken root in this country since September 11, 2001 has been fostered and maintained by both Republican and Democratic governments.

And last, but certainly not least…

Never forget how you, the American people, rolled over and allowed yourselves to be bullied and cowed into silence by the likes of Bush, Cheney, Obama, Ridge, Chertoff, Napolitano, Clinton, and Lieberman while they waged wars of aggression, built a gulag, committed genocide and torture and stripped away your liberty and dignity.

Never forget.
Happy Anniversary

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The 9/11 Conspiracists: Vindicated After All These Years? by Alexander Cockburn at CounterPunch.

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Happy Belated 9/11, Everybody!

By mike flugennockWednesday - September 15th, 2010Categories: right wingnuts, War on Terror

Left Keeps It Classy, Teabaggers Keep It Zany On Ninth Anniversary Of WTC Destruction

Here’s hoping your celebration of American Victimhood Day was as joyous as mine. I and my comrades in the Town Hell Posse spent the day in New York City with cameras rolling, and here’s our special musical coverage of the celebrations held in the Big Apple.

Word Of The Day: HATEFEST.

More on the day’s festivities from my comrades at Lady Liberty’s Lamp.

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Bite the Big Apple

By mike flugennockTuesday - August 31st, 2010Categories: liberty, right wingnuts

ya got rats on the West Side,
bedbugs Uptown!
What a mess! This town’s in tatters!

–rolling stones

So, what’s the deal with New York City, anyway? Is it hypocritical — or schizoid? I’ve been asking this question a lot lately, while checking out the news from NYC about the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque” and the attendant right-wing racist street zaniness. New York City’s always had this outward image of a progressive, multicultural, hip city — a cradle of the US labor movement, the birthplace of outfits like the Yippies, the city where people like Andy Warhol, Peter Max, Bob Dylan and Patti Smith first emerged as major artists — versus a long-present simmering vile nasty core of racism and class war, where Amadou Diallo and a host of other Black Americans and African immigrants were brutally tortured and murdered by the police, and systematic gentrification drove the poor and working class out of places like Tompkins Square and Brooklyn.

I was recently discussing this with my friend Isis, a cohort in the Town Hell Posse and native New Yorker. She seemed totally down with the wormy, rotten core idea, and filled me in on New York City’s historic record of racism, xenophobia and classism. “Y’know that old Stones song, ‘Shattered’? That pretty much says it!” Suddenly, the conversation shifted to sketching in some plans to go to NYC to cover the big anti-Islamic hate rally being held on September 11, and how we could use “Shattered” for our motif and background music; my mind suddenly fixated on the line that goes go ahead, bite the Big Apple — don’t mind the maggots!

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