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Bringin’ It On Down To Georgetown

By mike flugennockSunday - November 30th, 2014Categories: Black Lives Matter, liberty, media

Bringin’ It On Down To Georgetown, Nov 29 2014 from Mike Flugennock on Vimeo.

It may not have been as huge as the crowd last Tuesday night, but it was nonetheless a big, healthy and sprited bunch that took the streets of Georgetown yesterday afternoon in solidarity with the people of occupied Ferguson, MO and cities all across the US where black and brown people are being terrorized and murdered by police.

Total running time: 06:46

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Second American Revolution, Day 1

By mike flugennockWednesday - November 26th, 2014Categories: Black Lives Matter, liberty, media

Second American Revolution, Day 1 from Mike Flugennock on Vimeo.

Ten thousand in DC in solidarity with Ferguson, they were saying last night. No matter what, it was still a healthy, enthusiastic crowd — not violent at any stretch, but they sure as hell weren’t “peaceful”.

Total running time: 06:49

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The Only Good Protester…

By mike flugennockTuesday - November 25th, 2014Categories: Black Lives Matter, liberty, media

So, the Ferguson grand jury let that murdering pig walk. Disgusting, but not surprising.

Now the people’s rage is spilling into the streets, and the corporate media — and their Liberal flunkies — are trying to divide the people’s movements against each other with that tired old bullshit about “good protesters” and “bad protesters” — with “bad protesters”, in this case, being anyone who actually does something to disrupt the status quo to bring about real change instead of just standing around with a sign singing “We Shall Overcome”.

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In Search Of Legacy

By mike flugennockTuesday - November 11th, 2014Categories: Globalization, Iraq, Middle East, Obamarama, Party Animals, elections, media

With the conclusion of the recent Dempocalypse, President Sparkle Pony is about as lame as a duck can get. In fact, he holds the record, having been a lame duck pretty much since he took office.

So, according to this recent report at Al Jazeera, he’s jetting off to Asia trying to forget about the election and be all Presidential and statesmanlike n’shit, trying to beef up his “legacy”, whatever the hell that means.

I don’t know what he’s so worried about; between the drone warfare, the shielding of war criminals, the climbing into bed with bankers, the corporate healthcare sweetheart deal, and the NSA, it looks like President Hope’s got more legacy than he can shake a stick at.

13×13 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 706kb

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