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Strike for Statehood!

By mike flugennockSunday - August 4th, 2002Categories: Bushit, DC Local, Economy, Globalization, liberty

Time for another parody of an iconic American image, this time the famous photograph of the Marines raising the flag over Iwo Jima island during WWII. Once again, it’s not like it’s been done before, but like all the great Renaissance painters doing their own versions of the Annunciation and Crucifixion, I decided it was time for me to do my own version of Iwo Jima.


This piece advertised the planned “Peoples’ Strike” focused on the residents of Washington, DC who, the organizers of the “strike” assumed, had reached the point where things had gotten bad enough to spark a mass general strike to coincide with the IMF/World Bank meetings. Sadly, somehow, despite the loss of the city’s only public hospital, the closure of homeless shelters and the sale of schools and the property under them to condo developers, many residents of DC chose not to join the “strike” as apparently things still hadn’t gotten bad enough — either that or, as I suspect, they were awaiting permission from the local Democratic Party to organize and rise up on their own behalf.

Medium-res jpg image, 710k

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Fall 2002 IMF/WB “Map”

By mike flugennockThursday - July 18th, 2002Categories: Bushit, DC Local, Economy, Globalization, liberty

peoplestrike_color650wPart of the ‘02 IMF/World Bank festivities was a planned widespread, networked civil disobedience around the city of Washington, DC, which organizers hoped would include major highways and subway lines in and out of the city. In order to dramatize the organizers’ intent, this poster depicted the entire city of DC squeezed and choked at the various intersections of highways and rapid-transit lines — or, resembling some kind of weird alien bodily organ, depending on how much Star Trek you’ve watched.

Medium-res jpg image, 839k

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Fall 2002 IMF/World Bank Series

By mike flugennockTuesday - June 4th, 2002Categories: Bushit, Economy, Globalization, War on Terror, liberty, war and peace

By this time, the approach of summer meant one thing: time to get going on the posters for the Fall World Bank/IMF Mobilization! A more militant local outfit, the Anti-Capitalist Convergence, was taking a large part in this year’s mobe as many in the movement were becoming dissatisfied with the more “moderate” position of the large NGOs such as Global Exchange, and DC’s own Mobilization For Global Justice (originally formed to organize the A16 WB/IMF actions in 2000).


As was customary, my posters for the IMF/WB Mobe sought to be simple, easily-read portrayals of the issues our movement was addressing; in addition, this year I also added a series of images depicting our movement’s vision for a peaceful and just society, to shut up all those conservative wags out there predictably whining “we all know what you’re against, but what are you for?”

Complete set, Adobe pdf file, 3m

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Pig Nation

By mike flugennockFriday - May 31st, 2002Categories: Bushit, Economy, War on Terror, media, war and peace

In the midst of all the fear and paranoia following 9/11, George W. Chimp somehow thought it a good idea to show The Terrorists™ how courageous we all were by getting out and going shopping, and actually went on TV, looked us all in the eye, and told us that. That crass, shallow admonishment remained seared into my brain for some months before finally emerging as a fully-formed inspiration in the wake of the release of the latest Star Wars “prequel” with its attendant marketing blitz of toy tie-ins and Star Wars-themed McDonald’s happy meals.


The original idea, “Pig Nation”, came from Abbie Hoffman’s famous remarks regarding the keep-up-with-the-Joneses, ticky-tacky suburban house-dwelling, station wagon-driving middle-class America of the late 1960s. It seemed an even more appropriate and apt description of the modern-day McMansion-dwelling, blockbuster movie-going, SUV-driving America of the early 21st Century.

This piece also appeared in Adbusters Magazine’s annual “big ideas” issue in 2005.

High-res jpg image 1.3mb

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