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That’s right, kiddies! It’s PUTIN’S…

By mike flugennockSunday - June 26th, 2022Categories: Bidenism, Economy, Health Care, Ukrainamania, media, war and peace

Gropin’ Joe has made it abundantly clear at the AFL-CIO convention a week or so back that he plans to beat that “Putin’s Price Hike” horse until it’s either dead or people actually start believing that horseshit. We promised Gorbachev we wouldn’t expand NATO, then promptly spent the better part of the 1990s expanding NATO to Russia’s front stoop and fomenting pro-US regime-change “color revolutions”, but yeah, sure, Joe — it’s Putin’s war. Sonofabitch plans on distracting us from his horrid performance and our wartime austerity pain by blaming Putin for everything but the Mariners dragging ass in the AL West.

So — you heard it here first, kiddies. Supreme Court just stripped your reproductive rights? Putin made ‘em do it. That asshole boss at Starbuck’s who just canned you for union organizing? Putin did it.  Those pals of yours who promised to help move that sofa last Saturday flaked on you? Putin. That raging hottie you’ve been dating for the past 2 months just put you in the Friend Zone? Yeah, that’s right, my dude — fucking Putin.

Dude’s been one busy motherfucker lately, gotta give credit where it’s due.

12.25 x 17 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 787kb

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“What Is HIMARS?” An Infographic

By mike flugennockThursday - June 9th, 2022Categories: Bidenism, Ukrainamania, war and peace

“What is HIMARS?” asked an Al Jazeera “Explainer” feature about a week or so back, and it actually got me seriously wondering… what IS the High-Mobility Artillery Rocket System? I mean, like — what exactly the hell goes into this beast? Didn’t take much searching and reading to reach the answer fairly quickly — our COVID relief, our universal healthcare, our minimum wage raise, our student debt cancellation, our eviction moratorium…

…and with that in mind, to clear up all the brouhaha about these death factories we’re selling to the Nazi-infested Ukrainian state, I offer this meticulous infographic, precisely labeled, detailing the features of this helping hand we’re extending to all those feisty little old Ukrainian ladies hunkered down in their basements, mixing up the Molotovs and learning how to handle an AK.

(continue reading…)

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Night Of The Living #StandWithUkraine

By mike flugennockFriday - May 27th, 2022Categories: Bidenism, Economy, Health Care, Ukrainamania, media, war and peace

While y’all were hanging your Ukrainian flags out in front of your houses and putting little Ukrainian flags in your Facebook profile fotos and screaming about the dirty Rooskies and chewing rags over those poor little old Ukrainian ladies mixing Molotovs in their basements, this is what happened to your unemployment benefits extension and your rent relief and your eviction moratorium and your Covid “stimulus” and your healthcare.

Inspired by the top two stories in the Washington Post of May 20, above the fold like a shot and a chaser: we’re pissing your healthcare away on a NATO/US proxy war in the Ukraine, and forget about baby formula anytime soon. Love that reference to “firm public support” in the Ukraine Care Package story. Bwah hah, “public support”… what do you mean “we”, white man?

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Blast From Yer Past, Aug 2004: “Decision 2004″

By mike flugennockFriday - May 20th, 2022Categories: Afghanistan, Bidenism, Health Care, Party Animals, Ukrainamania, elections, media, war and peace

While I continue getting over surgery and tryna’ get back into a drawing groove, n’shit… let’s flash back to another war that Liberals of both parties lied, blustered and bullied their asses off to drag us into… originally did this for an immediate post-election protest response in DC; it got blasted all over, but I never actually did a blog post, except for this sloppy-ass blurb on my old static html site… so, here it is. Let’s climb aboard the TARDIS, kiddies, and set the dial for the turn of the century:

After one too many mornings of watching Kerry and Bush piss-fighting over Kerry’s war record, I was begging, desperately:
Somebody, Anybody – STOP THE TORTURE of American Voters!

So, I wake up one early morning recently; as usual, my wife’s already awake and has NBC’s “Today” jabbering on the TV. In the thinning fog of my fading REM state I hear candidate John “Lurch” Kerry being interviewed, and he’s telling us how he plans to continue to uphold the corporate/military agenda, after which a Bush campaign ad denounces Lurch for being “too leftist”. I think: jeezus, it’s too damn’ early for this shit. Lurch says he’ll keep doing what the Chimp started, and the Chimp accuses Lurch of being too leftist, it’s only 7:15am, and my brain is already hurting.

Somebody, stop this torture. Somebody make it stop. Somebody, make…it…sto-oopppppp!

10×16 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 620kb
10×13 inch “tortured voter” medium-res color .jpg image, 510kb

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