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Information Terrorist

By mike flugennockTuesday - August 23rd, 2022Categories: Bidenism, media, Ukrainamania, war and peace

…Some three weeks after Schumer helped push the (Ukraine aid) bill into law, on July 14, Andriy Shapovalov, a Ukrainian civil servant whose salary was paid for by U.S. taxpayer monies, convened a “round table” in Kiev on “countering disinformation.”

Shapovalov, in his role as the acting head of Ukraine’s Center for Countering Disinformation, published a list of the names of 72 people whom he accused of deliberately spreading disinformation about Ukraine. Shapovalov labelled them “information terrorists,” adding that Ukraine was preparing legislation so that such people can be prosecuted as “war criminals.”

—Scott Ritter, reporting at Consortium News, 08.03.2022

Yeah, kids, isn’t that a flabbergaster? One helluva humdinger of a doozy. I thought Biden — who never met a US war of aggression he didn’t like — had pretty much destroyed my Goofy Meter when he called Putin a “war criminal”, but this shit’s got Goofy Meters exploding worldwide.

Just so we’re clear — any journalist reporting the truth from on the ground, any journalist or essayist whose reporting or opinions contradict the official US/NATO Western media narrative? That’s right, an “information terrorist”, a “war criminal”. Ben Norton? Aaron Maté? Rania Khalek? Alina Lipp? Eva Bartlett? Lee Camp? Yep, that’s right. Information terrorists, war criminals.

The Gallup numbers, which I peeped not soon after, really drove the goofiness home. After 70-odd years of lies about Hiroshima, the Tonkin Gulf, My Lai, Cambodia, Laos, the Drug War, Kuwaiti incubator babies, Iraqi WMD’s, Afghanistan, Havana Syndrome, Russiagate, trust in US media is at an all-time low, and I’m an “information terrorist” for doing these goddamn cartoons? I’M a goddamn “war criminal” for calling out the US state and media on their lies?

Bwah ha ha ha ha hah. The West™ can’t collapse a day too soon for me.

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Fortune Cookie

By mike flugennockSaturday - August 6th, 2022Categories: Bidenism, China, war and peace

“Those who play with fire will only get burnt… We hope the U.S. side can see this clearly.” — Xi Jinping, to Joe Biden, 07.28.2022

Y’ever get Chinese carry-out and play that stupid game with the fortune cookies where you scribble the phrase “in bed” at the end of the banal faux-Confucian “fortune” in a childish effort to make it sound “dirty” somehow?

Oh, c’mon; I know y’all have done it. I’ve done it a bunch — and that kind of puerile, low-brow joke seems a fitting analogy to portray the arrogance, hubris, hypocrisy, belligerence, recklessness and straight-up stupidity of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her Provoke World War III If It’s The Last Goddamn Thing I Ever Do Tour this week. It’s as if her staff went out of their way to script the most irksome, provocative, sabre-rattling batshit takes they could possibly come up with for her, as if they just followed her around with an mp3 recorder and transcribed everything the old bat queefed out.

The really sad thing about Pelosi, Blinken, Biden and their ilk, though, is that they really, honestly think they’re the greatest goddamn thing on two legs. They really do think people are impressed with this horseshit.

Still, as an American, I have to appreciate the Speaker keeping me briefed in on who “America” is standing with right now. Between standing with Israel, the Uyghurs, the Ukraine, and now Taiwan, it’s looking like this “American” is booked pretty solid these days.

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I Voted, no. 3

By mike flugennockTuesday - August 2nd, 2022Categories: 2016 Election, 2020 Election, 2024 Election, Bidenism, elections, media, Party Animals, right wingnuts

Apropos of nothing, presented without comment.

With thanks to Stephanie Hofeller.

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Bone Deep

By mike flugennockSaturday - July 16th, 2022Categories: Bidenism, Middle East, Palestine, war and peace

“You don’t need to be a Jew to be a Zionist,” said Biden in his opening remarks. “The connection between the Israeli and American people is bone deep… I am proud to say that US relations with Israel are deeper and stronger than they have ever been.”
—Al Jazeera, reporting on 07.13.2022

“Bone deep”? …as opposed to the connection between the Ukrainian and American people, which is more “skin deep”, I’m guessing…?

Yeah, the sonofabitch said our connection to filthy, murdering Israel is “bone deep”.
He’s actually more or less right, y’know.

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