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Trader Joe, Say It Ain’t So!

By mike flugennockMonday - July 30th, 2012Categories: Globalization, Occupy, environment

This is a public service announcement — with dubstep!

On a way-too-hot Sunday afternoon, a DC contingent in solidarity with Occupy Monsanto paid a surprise visit to the Trader Joe’s on 25th Street NW in Foggy Bottom, “shopping for truth” as they entered the store in a hazmat-suit-wearing conga line. Meanwhile, outside, a spirited dubstep picket educated and entertained paasersby and Trader Joe’s customers on mass-produced foods made with ingredients based on genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), and the influence of corporations like Monsanto on US policy and legislation on the labeling of GMO-based food items.

Total running time: 06:55

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“I Am The Joker”

By mike flugennockWednesday - July 25th, 2012Categories: Obamarama, Party Animals, War on Terror, elections, media

AURORA, Colo. (AP) - New York City’s police commissioner says the gunman in the Colorado movie theater rampage had painted his hair red and called himself the Joker — the villain from the Batman movies.

Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said Friday that he had been briefed about the shootings that killed 12 and wounded nearly 60 others at a showing of the new Batman movie “The Dark Knight Rises” at a suburban Denver theater.

–Associated Press via ABC News, Tampa, FL

In a now-predictable pattern, less than a day after the shootings in a Colorado movie theater screening The Dark Knight Rises, Emperor Barack Obama, who claims the right to assassinate anyone at any time anywhere, who maintains a “kill list” of potential assassination victims, and whose drone strikes have murdered thousands of civilians in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen, delivered the now-standard scripted Tourette’s outburst of false compassion and sympathy for murdered civilians in the Denver suburb of Aurora. Also, in a now-predictable pattern, the US news media fawned over the Boy Emperor’s gushing unflinchingly, unquestioningly, and without the slightest sense of irony, even as they neglect to report on Obama’s assassinations, mass murder, and acts of terror abroad.

As far as I’m concerned, the only difference between Boy Emperor Obama and the deranged college dropout in Colorado is that Obama has billions worth of lethal military hardware capable of killing thousands around the world along with the US mass media at his beck and call, and the deranged college dropout in Colorado had only a couple of pistols, an assault rifle, and a shotgun.

For those of you with strong stomachs, here is the complete transcript of Obama’s smarmy, hypocritical spewage at a campaign appearance in Florida.

11×17 inch color .jpg image, 816kb.

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Based On A True Story

By mike flugennockTuesday - July 17th, 2012Categories: Economy, elections, media

No, really, it is, at least parts of it.

I was on my way downstairs for a sandwich one late morning last week or so, and I passed by the bedroom, where the DW is catching up on some impresario chores on her laptop while the satellite box is nailed down to MSNBC. As aiways, I stop for a minute or two just to check out what they’re emitting, and it’s some woman who looked as if she were made entirely of plastic babbling an item about Hill leadership’s reaction to the discovery that the US Olympic Team’s uniforms had been made in China. Faster than you could say “eight percent unemployment”, Harry Reid and John Boehner had crapped their drawers loudly while blurting out carefully crafted Tourette’s episodes on the subject of the export of US jobs to China. After offering up this news, the anchorbabe said — for real, I shit you not — “At last, something that Democrats and Republicans can agree on.”

“…along with war, torture, censorship, warrantless surveillance, assassinations, detention without trial…” the anchorbabe neglected to add.

11×12-inch medium-res .jpg image, 808kb.

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Hold Your Nose!

By mike flugennockWednesday - June 20th, 2012Categories: Obamarama, Party Animals, elections

I first heard the lame Liberal rationale for voting against their values and interests — “holding my nose” — during the infamous “election” of 2000. In the decade or so since then, my reaction to that gutless cop-out has gone from outrage to annoyance to mild amusement to hysterics.

In every instance, my question — still awaiting an answer — has always been the same: how much longer are you going to sit still for the Democratic Party’s abuse? What are you going to do when the stench gets so bad that holding your nose doesn’t work?

The brain-dead philosophy of Liberal America — “holding your nose” and voting for “the lesser evil” — has yielded absolute zero in terms of any benefits. In fact, Liberals’ continued insistence on voting against their interests pretty much fits the classic definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

So, you can imagine my shock and chagrin when I saw this recent article by Sam Smith — normally a bastion of sanity and clear, independent thought — advocating an “Obama One Night Stand” Movement, published at his Progressive Review. I didn’t know whether to laugh until I pissed myself, or to go lay down on a railroad track.

If you insist on reading Sam’s statement of capitulation to lesser-evilism, I strongly urge you to remove any cups of coffee or sleeping cats from the vicinity of your keyboard — and if you’ve just taken a sip of coffee, swallow it immediately. You’ve been warned.

11×17 inch grayscale .jpg image, 728kb.

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