A Frightening Situation

A Frightening Situation

By mike flugennockSaturday - April 9th, 2022Categories: Bidenism, media, Ukrainamania, war and peaceTags:, , , , , ,

Inspired by the rip-roaring coverage of atrocities, war crimes, and miscellaneous ruthlessness by America’s Official Enemy against the Ukraine in the very same corporate-owned Western media who worked itself to death to cover up atrocities, war crimes, and miscellaneous ruthlessness by the Earth’s enemy against Iraq and Afghanistan — not to mention pushing the most insane-ass kind of comic-book lies about (ahem) Weapons Of Mass Destruction — about 18, 20 years or so ago. But, now…? Cripes, man, the Boss Media in the US and its “international community” are all about war crimes and atrocities and bombed civilians and the Hague n’shit. Wotta goddamn joke.

I shit you not, kiddies — if this were a foto of a similar scene in Gaza, of Palestinian women getting ready to resist the terrorism of the IDF and Israeli colonists, do you honestly think Reuters — and MSNBC, CNN, the NY Times, the Washington Post, the Atlantic, all the usual suspects — would run some noble, heart-wrenching piece on ordinary women rushing to the defense of their country against invaders?

Naaaaahhhhhhhhhh. It’d be some horseshit about defenseless, peaceful little Israelis just minding their own while the mean, evil terrorist Palestinians try to resist the defenseless, peaceful little Israelis’ attempts to drive them out of their homes and murder them.

The likes of Reuters didn’t give a shit about civilians during the US invasion of Iraq, and they don’t really give a shit now. They didn’t give a shit about war crimes during the US occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, and they don’t really give a shit now.

30 x 30 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 1.2mb

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