Posts Tagged ‘Biden’

It’s Always Sunny At The DNC

By mike flugennockThursday - January 25th, 2024Categories: 2024 Election, Bidenism, elections, media, Party Animals, Trumpism

If there were a sure sign that the Donkeycrats are pants-shitting panicked at the prospect of traditionally-Leftish/progressivish voters abandoning their worthless asses en masse at the polls over the genocide in Palestine, it’s the fact that the likes of MSNBC and the Washington Post just can’t stop the tubthumping over the economy and the “consumer confidence” polls just out this week.

Never mind the piss-poor public health response to COVID19, or the historic re-enactment of the fall of Saigon in 2021, or the piss-poor disaster response in Maui last year, or the metric fuckton of cash flushed down the shitter for a bunch of Ukrainian Nazi hillbillies, the wide-open support of fascistic ethnic cleansing in Palestine, the continued attempted instigation of world war — nahh, screw that shit; the consumer confidence numbers are in and the economy is rockin’, so let’s turn that frown upside down, ya’ fusty proles.

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Us And Them

By mike flugennockMonday - January 15th, 2024Categories: 2024 Election, Bidenism, elections, media, Middle East, Palestine, Party Animals, war and peace, War on Terror

“Haven’t you heard? It’s a battle of words!” the poster bearer cried;
“Listen, son,” said the man with the gun, “There’s room for you inside!”

— Pink Floyd, “Us And Them” (1973)

Throughout MSNBC’s nonstop, never-ending, ceaseless, mind-numbing, soul-crushing, forever-grinding-on coverage of Trump’s little bullshit real-estate fraud trial, they pretty much paused only to scream and yell and bitch in befuddlement about how the Donmonster could possibly still be the goddamn GOP front-runner and bitch bitch bitch above the law and whine whine whine rule of law and snarl growl yell democracy is at stake, followed by a pivot to their illustrious GOP primary coverage in which their chirping mutant anchortarts just couldn’t shut the hell up about how Trump and the GOP’s rhetoric is about “us vs. them” and the Democrats are all about “us”.

…and all I could think of in that moment was how thoroughly the Democratic Party groundlessly scapegoated and demonized Russia for their own ineptitude and general suckage in the Easiest Slam-Dunk Election Ever In All Of Recorded Human History Including The Lascaux Cave Paintings, and how just how much of the Democratic Party’s attitude and general M.O. involves demonizing, scapegoating and otherizing — whether it’s people calling out their Russiagate sham, their idiotic policy decisions or their collaboration with fascists, or pretty much anyone on the left calling out their poor record with ethnic minorities, students, the working class, the poor, or pointing out their long-established reputation for warmongering, you can pretty much count on the Democrats to stand on their record, no matter what.

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Fortune Cookie

By mike flugennockSaturday - August 6th, 2022Categories: Bidenism, China, war and peace

“Those who play with fire will only get burnt… We hope the U.S. side can see this clearly.” — Xi Jinping, to Joe Biden, 07.28.2022

Y’ever get Chinese carry-out and play that stupid game with the fortune cookies where you scribble the phrase “in bed” at the end of the banal faux-Confucian “fortune” in a childish effort to make it sound “dirty” somehow?

Oh, c’mon; I know y’all have done it. I’ve done it a bunch — and that kind of puerile, low-brow joke seems a fitting analogy to portray the arrogance, hubris, hypocrisy, belligerence, recklessness and straight-up stupidity of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her Provoke World War III If It’s The Last Goddamn Thing I Ever Do Tour this week. It’s as if her staff went out of their way to script the most irksome, provocative, sabre-rattling batshit takes they could possibly come up with for her, as if they just followed her around with an mp3 recorder and transcribed everything the old bat queefed out.

The really sad thing about Pelosi, Blinken, Biden and their ilk, though, is that they really, honestly think they’re the greatest goddamn thing on two legs. They really do think people are impressed with this horseshit.

Still, as an American, I have to appreciate the Speaker keeping me briefed in on who “America” is standing with right now. Between standing with Israel, the Uyghurs, the Ukraine, and now Taiwan, it’s looking like this “American” is booked pretty solid these days.

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That’s right, kiddies! It’s PUTIN’S…

By mike flugennockSunday - June 26th, 2022Categories: Bidenism, Economy, Health Care, media, Ukrainamania, war and peace

Gropin’ Joe has made it abundantly clear at the AFL-CIO convention a week or so back that he plans to beat that “Putin’s Price Hike” horse until it’s either dead or people actually start believing that horseshit. We promised Gorbachev we wouldn’t expand NATO, then promptly spent the better part of the 1990s expanding NATO to Russia’s front stoop and fomenting pro-US regime-change “color revolutions”, but yeah, sure, Joe — it’s Putin’s war. Sonofabitch plans on distracting us from his horrid performance and our wartime austerity pain by blaming Putin for everything but the Mariners dragging ass in the AL West.

So — you heard it here first, kiddies. Supreme Court just stripped your reproductive rights? Putin made ’em do it. That asshole boss at Starbuck’s who just canned you for union organizing? Putin did it.  Those pals of yours who promised to help move that sofa last Saturday flaked on you? Putin. That raging hottie you’ve been dating for the past 2 months just put you in the Friend Zone? Yeah, that’s right, my dude — fucking Putin.

Dude’s been one busy motherfucker lately, gotta give credit where it’s due.

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