Posts Tagged ‘NATO’

Now We Are All “Hamas”

By mike flugennockFriday - May 24th, 2024Categories: 2024 Election, Bidenism, Middle East, Palestine, War on Terror, liberty, media, war and peace

Glimpsed a headline on the front page of USA Hooray earlier this week yelling about how one of the groups organizing the campus occupations in the US was apparently under Federal investigation some time ago for (quelle horreur) connections to Hamas — like, anyone who really knows from shit is going to oppose legitimate resistance or even care if activists they know are connected to them — every doctor, reporter, student, laborer, office worker, artist, musician, football player who ever spoke up against Israeli horror is now “connected to Hamas”, apparently including my own self.

Despite the disgusting nature of the headline, I couldn’t help snickering to myself as I knew this was a prime indication that they’re losing hugely, almost none of the People believe them anymore, nothing they’ve tried to silence us has worked very well and that they’ve totally lost control — and, backed into that corner, have resorted to the old standby If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Smear ‘Em.

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Night Of The Living #StandWithUkraine

By mike flugennockFriday - May 27th, 2022Categories: Bidenism, Economy, Health Care, Ukrainamania, media, war and peace

While y’all were hanging your Ukrainian flags out in front of your houses and putting little Ukrainian flags in your Facebook profile fotos and screaming about the dirty Rooskies and chewing rags over those poor little old Ukrainian ladies mixing Molotovs in their basements, this is what happened to your unemployment benefits extension and your rent relief and your eviction moratorium and your Covid “stimulus” and your healthcare.

Inspired by the top two stories in the Washington Post of May 20, above the fold like a shot and a chaser: we’re pissing your healthcare away on a NATO/US proxy war in the Ukraine, and forget about baby formula anytime soon. Love that reference to “firm public support” in the Ukraine Care Package story. Bwah hah, “public support”… what do you mean “we”, white man?

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A Frightening Situation

By mike flugennockSaturday - April 9th, 2022Categories: Bidenism, Ukrainamania, media, war and peace

Inspired by the rip-roaring coverage of atrocities, war crimes, and miscellaneous ruthlessness by America’s Official Enemy against the Ukraine in the very same corporate-owned Western media who worked itself to death to cover up atrocities, war crimes, and miscellaneous ruthlessness by the Earth’s enemy against Iraq and Afghanistan — not to mention pushing the most insane-ass kind of comic-book lies about (ahem) Weapons Of Mass Destruction — about 18, 20 years or so ago. But, now…? Cripes, man, the Boss Media in the US and its “international community” are all about war crimes and atrocities and bombed civilians and the Hague n’shit. Wotta goddamn joke.

I shit you not, kiddies — if this were a foto of a similar scene in Gaza, of Palestinian women getting ready to resist the terrorism of the IDF and Israeli colonists, do you honestly think Reuters — and MSNBC, CNN, the NY Times, the Washington Post, the Atlantic, all the usual suspects — would run some noble, heart-wrenching piece on ordinary women rushing to the defense of their country against invaders?

Naaaaahhhhhhhhhh. It’d be some horseshit about defenseless, peaceful little Israelis just minding their own while the mean, evil terrorist Palestinians try to resist the defenseless, peaceful little Israelis’ attempts to drive them out of their homes and murder them.

The likes of Reuters didn’t give a shit about civilians during the US invasion of Iraq, and they don’t really give a shit now. They didn’t give a shit about war crimes during the US occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, and they don’t really give a shit now.

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Blast From Yer Past: “Humaniterrorism”, June 1999

By mike flugennockFriday - February 24th, 2017Categories: Clintontime, war and peace

After that remix of some old Yipster Times cartoons went so well, I thought it might be fun to find some more BFYP candidates among my old cartoons from around the turn of the century. This one has always remained a personal favorite, and is also special because it promoted the first event I ever worked on with long-time comrade and BBF Adam Eidinger of DCMJ and Prop 71 fame — the “Not A Victory Parade” protesting the US/NATO bombing campaign in Yugoslavia in the spring of 1999.

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Here’s the art in action, printed as a placard and carried in the march. You can see it right there behind and to the left of that boring-ass IAC/ANSWER placard.

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