Posts Tagged ‘“Wall Street”’

Opening Bell

By mike flugennockFriday - September 16th, 2022Categories: Bidenism, media, Ukrainamania, war and peace

“…freedom has many manifestations but the most important for many is the ability to work for your benefit, for the benefit of your children and the want of your country. Ukraine is a story of a future victory and a chance for you to invest now in projects worth hundreds of billions of dollars to share the victory of us… This will be your victory and a new success story for your companies.”
—Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine, 09.06.2022

I’ve seen some pretty goddamn unctous fotos in the news in my time, but none quite as revulsive lately as this tableau featuring US stooge and Neo-Nazi Volodymyr Zelensky “virtually” ringing the opening bell via remote video link at the New York Stock Exchange — and none quite as apropos, given that shares in US “defense” industries are hitting the stratosphere, and Ford and IBM’s infamous collaboration with the Nazis.

As reported at Grayzone and Multipolarista, Zelensky’s economic “victory” is being won through the abolition of labor protection in a program not unlike that instituted by Pinochet in Chile in the 1970s, combined with some of that good old-fashioned globalized IMF/WorldBank “shock treatment”. Ukraine is “open for business”, the sonofabitch says — I don’t know about you, but when I hear one of these bastards talk about how his country is “open for business”, it’s time to look the hell OUT.

This crass stunt — along with Zelensky’s suppression of Left opposition parties and his repeated foto ops with Nazis — would actually indicate that this is pretty much par for the course on Wall Street, which never met a war (or a fascist) it didn’t like.

“We are pleased to welcome President Zelensky virtually to the NYSE bell podium, a symbol of the freedom and opportunity our U.S. capital markets have enabled around the globe. We are honored the President has chosen the NYSE to mark the kickoff of Advantage Ukraine and engage with the world’s business community.”
—Lynn Martin, president, NYSE Group, 09.06.2022

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>Swastika version | >Azov version

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Won’t Somebody Think Of The Shareholders?

By mike flugennockMonday - May 10th, 2021Categories: coronavirus, Globalization, Health Care

No doubt that day last week will go down as “Black Wednesday” for all the death’n’misery profiteers out there: the day the US Trade Representative’s office announced its support for a waiver of patent protection for COVID19 vaccines developed by Pfizer, Biontech, Novavax, and Moderna — and Wall Street crapped its pants.

After week after week after week of hell raised about places like India, where they’re dying like flies and can’t get enough vaccine because American corporations, true to form, are hoarding the supply and the IP protection — the US Trade Rep has decided that waiving patent protection on vaccines during a worldwide pandemic might be a pretty good idea after all… and this hasn’t stopped Wall Street from doing the voodoo that it do so well — setting shares of all four of those companies dropping like a rock on Jupiter.

Buddy, can you paradigm?

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Gentlemen Prefer Hillary

By mike flugennockFriday - April 22nd, 2016Categories: 2016 Election, Clintontime, elections, media, Party Animals

Economic justice seems so sentimental,
but Wall Street is a girl’s best friend —

15 an hour is so detrimental,
when Wall Street is a girl’s best friend…!

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(continue reading…)

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Raging Cow

By mike flugennockWednesday - February 10th, 2016Categories: 2016 Election, Clintontime, Economy, elections, media, Party Animals

I’ve broken a promise I made to myself to avoid doing election cartoons at all costs, but my muse wouldn’t quit kicking me in the nuts until I did this. When the news got out about Hillary Clinton’s wet, sloppy blowjob of a speech to Goldman Sachs honchos and about her casting around among Goldman’s executive ranks for cabinet appointments — especially at Treasury — it was a story too hot to not jump on.

While this news was certainly appalling, I still have to thank the Ice Queen and give her some due props for getting right out front with being a Wall Street tool and owning it in front of the media, God and everybody.

None of you Liberals out there can say you didn’t know the score, now.

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