Won’t Somebody Think Of The Shareholders?
No doubt that day last week will go down as “Black Wednesday” for all the death’n’misery profiteers out there: the day the US Trade Representative’s office announced its support for a waiver of patent protection for COVID19 vaccines developed by Pfizer, Biontech, Novavax, and Moderna — and Wall Street crapped its pants.
After week after week after week of hell raised about places like India, where they’re dying like flies and can’t get enough vaccine because American corporations, true to form, are hoarding the supply and the IP protection — the US Trade Rep has decided that waiving patent protection on vaccines during a worldwide pandemic might be a pretty good idea after all… and this hasn’t stopped Wall Street from doing the voodoo that it do so well — setting shares of all four of those companies dropping like a rock on Jupiter.
Buddy, can you paradigm?
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