Posts Tagged ‘social media’

Elon Musk’s FashFone™ by PhoneX

By mike flugennockWednesday - November 30th, 2022Categories: media, right wingnuts

After Elon Musk bought Twitter, declared it a “free speech zone”, started letting all the fascists back in and shutting down the Left, there was some understandable online rioting this week, and the predictable calls from America’s boutique anarchist media to join an exodus to Mastodon. Oh, how I laughed.

So, late last week, Apple and Google finally got off their goddamn duffs and declared that Twitter would be shut out of the Google Play and Apple App stores if the enabling of fascist hate speech and harassment was allowed to continue. Musk, at his very Muskmost, announced that he would develop his own brand of smartphone whose App Shoppe would allow Twitter.

…which basically leaves Gab and Parler in a spot, when you think about it. Now, you don’t have to go to some seedy, fringey fascist social-media site to spew your shit; you can just go to Twitter.

Sometimes these gags draw themselves.

9×17 inch high-res color .jpg image, 589kb

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Social Media Shit-Take Quote Template Art

By mike flugennockFriday - November 16th, 2018Categories: media

Back again, in the fine new tradition of the Smashed Old TV comes this new Social Media Shit-Take Quote template art. Hold up your favorite social media star’s queefage in style. Shown here is a “serving suggestion” on the letter-size screen-resolution template. The typeface here is Gotham family Book and Medium, but any clean, modern sans-serif face will work.

Blank templates:
Letter-size medium-res .jpg image for inkjet/laser printing, 656kb
Letter-size screen resolution .jpg image for Web, blogs, social media, 219kb

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News Is Not Your Friend

By mike flugennockTuesday - August 28th, 2018Categories: liberty, media

While the US Left was busy filling every pair of BVD’s in the drawer over Alex Jones, Facebook was busy suppressing Leftist media outlets like Electronic Intifada and TeleSur — with the blessing and assistance of right-wing think tank and NATO lobbyists The Atlantic Council.

Rightists own pretty much all the major media in this country, drench the airwaves in toxic right-wing talking points, and scream the loudest about “censorship” while, in the meantime, Leftist journalists and publications — doing the job that journalists should be doing — take most of the heat from rightists and centrists in the major US media and political establishment.

“Fake News Is Not Your Friend” shout the oppressively bland billboards in our cities; it’s perfectly obvious now that the subtext here is actually just “News Is Not Your Friend”.

11×11 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 762kb

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