Posts Tagged ‘#ReadyForHillary’

Raging Cow

By mike flugennockWednesday - February 10th, 2016Categories: 2016 Election, Clintontime, Economy, Party Animals, elections, media

I’ve broken a promise I made to myself to avoid doing election cartoons at all costs, but my muse wouldn’t quit kicking me in the nuts until I did this. When the news got out about Hillary Clinton’s wet, sloppy blowjob of a speech to Goldman Sachs honchos and about her casting around among Goldman’s executive ranks for cabinet appointments — especially at Treasury — it was a story too hot to not jump on.

While this news was certainly appalling, I still have to thank the Ice Queen and give her some due props for getting right out front with being a Wall Street tool and owning it in front of the media, God and everybody.

None of you Liberals out there can say you didn’t know the score, now.

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Hillary sez: “This Starts With You”

By mike flugennockFriday - April 17th, 2015Categories: 2016 Election, Clintontime, Party Animals, elections, media

So, anyway, last Sunday afternoon, Adam, Ben and I were hanging around the DCCC office, passing one, knocking back a DC Brau and helping Adam write his op-ed for CNN — and after that carnage was hosed off the floor, Adam decided to try to sign up on the Hillary Campaign Site for cheap lulz.

The headline on the masthead announced “This Starts With You”, which was bad news right from the git-go. After being asked for our full name, address, phone number, zip code, email address, credit card information, Twitter handle, HIV status and blood type — and dismissing half a dozen exhortations to send cash and sign up for an email list — we took ourselves a semi-ironic click on the Terms Of Use and the Privacy Policy buried deep therein. Hilarity ensued.

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…and, here’s some more classic Hillary action from the ‘08 Presidential freak circus:
Hillary In 2008! One More Bite Won’t Kill You, February 2006
Your Jackass Slate for 2008, February 2007.
Hillary Answers The Tough Ones, December 2007.

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I’m With Stupid

By mike flugennockThursday - April 16th, 2015Categories: 2016 Election, Clintontime, Party Animals, elections, media

So, Hillary Clinton is taking another whack at becoming America’s Margaret Thatcher — as if we hadn’t seen this coming since about 2009.

A lot’s been made about the vacuous, smarmy campaign kickoff video, of course, but an equal amount of confusion and mockery has arisen around Hillary’s campaign logo. Aside from the fact that it looks like the logo for a plus-size women’s fashion warehouse outlet, there’s also the matter of the arrow pointing to the right.

It goes without saying that a lot of your denser Liberals and Pwogwessives are puzzled; one Pwog tweeted to the effect that it’s a mistake, and that the arrow wasn’t pointing in the direction Mrs. Bill wanted to take the country in.

Oh, for Christ’s sake, somebody tie me to a railroad track. Of course that’s the direction she wants to take the country. This should be obvious to anyone who’s been paying attention to Hillary ever since she carpetbagged her way into the Senate — with her support for US/NATO bombing campaigns in Serbia, her support for the Patriot Act, her support for Israel, and the way she damn’ near broke her neck rushing to support Bush’s crimes in Iraq. You’d have to have been living in a cave for the past fifteen years (this would take in most Liberals) to not realize what a horrid, bloody, greedy warmongering neocon authoritarian she is.

10×5.75 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 152kb.

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