Hillary sez: “This Starts With You”

Hillary sez: “This Starts With You”

By mike flugennockFriday - April 17th, 2015Categories: 2016 Election, Clintontime, elections, media, Party AnimalsTags:, , ,

So, anyway, last Sunday afternoon, Adam, Ben and I were hanging around the DCCC office, passing one, knocking back a DC Brau and helping Adam write his op-ed for CNN — and after that carnage was hosed off the floor, Adam decided to try to sign up on the Hillary Campaign Site for cheap lulz.

The headline on the masthead announced “This Starts With You”, which was bad news right from the git-go. After being asked for our full name, address, phone number, zip code, email address, credit card information, Twitter handle, HIV status and blood type — and dismissing half a dozen exhortations to send cash and sign up for an email list — we took ourselves a semi-ironic click on the Terms Of Use and the Privacy Policy buried deep therein. Hilarity ensued.

16×18 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 1.5mb

…and, here’s some more classic Hillary action from the ’08 Presidential freak circus:
Hillary In 2008! One More Bite Won’t Kill You, February 2006
Your Jackass Slate for 2008, February 2007.
Hillary Answers The Tough Ones, December 2007.

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