Posts Tagged ‘protests’

New York City 2004 GOP Convention Protest Poster

By mike flugennockSunday - July 4th, 2004Categories: Bushit, Iraq, War on Terror, elections, liberty, media, right wingnuts, war and peace

Here’s another one of those gags that pretty much drew itself. On hearing the news that New York City would have the dubious honor of hosting the 2004 Republican Convention, this image slammed into my head like a runaway train and refused to go away:


This was my part towards inspiring locals and visitors alike to hit the streets and give the GOP a good old-fashioned New York City welcome, and to let the Bush Mob know that the people of NYC weren’t going to allow themselves to be cast as “extras” in a fascist corporate infomercial (which is basically what the Republicratic and Demopublican Conventions had become by this time).

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Fall 2003 FTAA Mobilization Series

By mike flugennockWednesday - October 1st, 2003Categories: Economy, Globalization

Back again to a familiar motif for my antiglobalization pieces, and that’s a clear illustration of what we’re against and what we’re for, presented in such a way that any college-brat intern at the Heritage Foundation who still whines that our message is unclear can be easily shown to be full of shit.

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Set 2 of 3, medium-res jpg image, 774k
Set 3 of 3, medium-res jpg image, 774k

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Cover Art, The Progressive, October 2002

By mike flugennockMonday - September 30th, 2002Categories: Bushit, Economy, Globalization, elections, media


After the Washington Post feature and the Swedish Public TV interview, this pretty much capped off what I liked to call my “Elvis Year” — at least until ‘06, when I got to go on a couple of right-wing talk-radio interviews, where I had the pleasure of making the hosts crap their pants while asking me why I hated America as a result of my participation in the Holocaust Cartoon Competition.

Thankyuh, thankyuhvurymuch.

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Strike for Statehood!

By mike flugennockSunday - August 4th, 2002Categories: Bushit, DC Local, Economy, Globalization, liberty

Time for another parody of an iconic American image, this time the famous photograph of the Marines raising the flag over Iwo Jima island during WWII. Once again, it’s not like it’s been done before, but like all the great Renaissance painters doing their own versions of the Annunciation and Crucifixion, I decided it was time for me to do my own version of Iwo Jima.


This piece advertised the planned “Peoples’ Strike” focused on the residents of Washington, DC who, the organizers of the “strike” assumed, had reached the point where things had gotten bad enough to spark a mass general strike to coincide with the IMF/World Bank meetings. Sadly, somehow, despite the loss of the city’s only public hospital, the closure of homeless shelters and the sale of schools and the property under them to condo developers, many residents of DC chose not to join the “strike” as apparently things still hadn’t gotten bad enough — either that or, as I suspect, they were awaiting permission from the local Democratic Party to organize and rise up on their own behalf.

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