Posts Tagged ‘Nazis’

O, Kanada! (or, Hunka Hunka Burnin’ Fascist)

By mike flugennockMonday - October 2nd, 2023Categories: Bidenism, media, Ukrainamania, war and peace

Between the unanimous standing O’s in the Canadian Parliament for former Waffen SS thug Yaroslav Hunka, Trudeau’s weak-ass mea culpas and their tippety-top general still refusing to apologize for applauding the sonofabitch and doubling down on the “fuck you”, I gotta say — I can’t pretend I’m not enjoying this. The vaunted Western World showed us its whole entire pasty, pimply, naked ass that day, and if you still #StandWithUkraine after THIS, then I don’t know what else to say to you indoctrinated losers.

12 x 18.4 inch high-res color .jpg image, 1.2mb

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America’s Favorite Fascist

By mike flugennockTuesday - December 20th, 2022Categories: Bidenism, media, Ukrainamania, war and peace

So, a few days back, a follower on Mastodon (spit) posted this article from the Union Of Orthodox Journalists from May 2018, about a Ukrainian postage stamp series honoring great thugs — uhh, soldiers — of the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician) on its 75th anniversary. Yeah, that’s right, Ukraine fought proudly on the fascist side, and venerates these filthy bastards to this day.

Then, I had to ask myself — why no stamp with Zelensky? God only knows they still loves them some Nazis over there, and I’ve pretty much lost track of how many times Mr. Z has been busted doing happy-snap foto ops with Azov Battalion and Right Sector thugs showing off their cool 3rd SS Panzers and Waffen SS gear.

The guy is hanging with Nazis, stomping all over the Left, beating down the working class, walking like a duck and quacking like a duck.

If you’re going to #StandWithUkraine that’s your business, but at least take a good, steamy gawk at what you’re standing with and own it.

9.75 x 14 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 581kb

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Opening Bell

By mike flugennockFriday - September 16th, 2022Categories: Bidenism, media, Ukrainamania, war and peace

“…freedom has many manifestations but the most important for many is the ability to work for your benefit, for the benefit of your children and the want of your country. Ukraine is a story of a future victory and a chance for you to invest now in projects worth hundreds of billions of dollars to share the victory of us… This will be your victory and a new success story for your companies.”
—Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine, 09.06.2022

I’ve seen some pretty goddamn unctous fotos in the news in my time, but none quite as revulsive lately as this tableau featuring US stooge and Neo-Nazi Volodymyr Zelensky “virtually” ringing the opening bell via remote video link at the New York Stock Exchange — and none quite as apropos, given that shares in US “defense” industries are hitting the stratosphere, and Ford and IBM’s infamous collaboration with the Nazis.

As reported at Grayzone and Multipolarista, Zelensky’s economic “victory” is being won through the abolition of labor protection in a program not unlike that instituted by Pinochet in Chile in the 1970s, combined with some of that good old-fashioned globalized IMF/WorldBank “shock treatment”. Ukraine is “open for business”, the sonofabitch says — I don’t know about you, but when I hear one of these bastards talk about how his country is “open for business”, it’s time to look the hell OUT.

This crass stunt — along with Zelensky’s suppression of Left opposition parties and his repeated foto ops with Nazis — would actually indicate that this is pretty much par for the course on Wall Street, which never met a war (or a fascist) it didn’t like.

“We are pleased to welcome President Zelensky virtually to the NYSE bell podium, a symbol of the freedom and opportunity our U.S. capital markets have enabled around the globe. We are honored the President has chosen the NYSE to mark the kickoff of Advantage Ukraine and engage with the world’s business community.”
—Lynn Martin, president, NYSE Group, 09.06.2022

15×17 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 849kb:
>Swastika version | >Azov version

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Meanwhile, in Miami…

By mike flugennockThursday - July 15th, 2021Categories: right wingnuts, Trumpism

Meanwhile, in Miami, the pro-Cuban “democracy movement” consists mostly of pissed-off gusanos who want their grandfathers’ casinos back.

Weird how this just keeps happening
— Socialist Sysadmin, @reset_by_peer on Twitter 07.13.2021

And recently, the gusanos’ scrawny-ass rallies in support of the US-instigated Cuban “color revolution” have featured large numbers of the “Proud Boys” fascist gang — along with other assorted Trumpsters and January 6th insurrectionists — and the gusanos don’t seem to give a rat’s ass one way or the other, likely because they’re a bunch of fascists themselves. It’s so obvious at this point that you could hang a lampshade on it.

Just as in the 1930s — scratch an anti-communist, find a fascist.

11 x 12.5 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 878kb

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