Posts Tagged ‘debt ceiling’

Thanks For Covering Our Debt — Suckers!

By mike flugennockTuesday - June 6th, 2023Categories: Bidenism, Economy, Health Care, Party Animals, Ukrainamania, war and peace

And so, yet another Debt Ceiling Wrestlemania comes to a close — and as predicted, the ruling class gets the payoff, Zelensky gets new toys, and we get austerity.

14.5 x 17 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 700kb

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Apropos of Nothing (Cliff? What Cliff? no.2)

By mike flugennockSaturday - April 29th, 2023Categories: Bidenism, Economy, Health Care, Party Animals, right wingnuts

Apropos of entirely nothing, really… just stumped for a gag, smoking and doodling at an ungodly hour the other night, vaguely inspired by this alarmist headline in the Washington Post, though this cartoon was not at all intentionally related to the whole debt ceiling pissing contest on the Hill this week… and while I’m at it — is it a cliff, or the ceiling? Quit jerking us around, Washington Post.

I also fully confess to an equally boneheaded literal interpretation of the whole beat-ass “cliff” metaphor. Hell, I’m old enough to remember the FIRST time around with that “cliff” horseshit.

…and besides, if you really take a good, close, hot steamy gawk at Biden’s real priorities — and the current attitude of the American general public towards more unemployment, inflation, war and austerity — you couldn’t exactly say we were “drifting”.

11 x 12.62 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 486kb

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Standard And Poor

By mike flugennockFriday - August 12th, 2011Categories: Economy, Party Animals, elections

After years of sucking up to Wall Street and giving out AAA ratings as if they were Cracker Jack prizes — becoming an accomplice in the United States’ economic meltdown — Standard & Poor’s suddenly turns around and knocks an “A” off the United States’ AAA debt rating after the recent debt ceiling pro wrestling match on Capitol Hill. Who’da thunk it?

Am I the only one here who thinks that outfit should change its name to Substandard & Piss-Poor?

11×17 medium-res color .jpg image, 688kb.

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Chef Barack’s Democratic Diner

By mike flugennockSaturday - August 6th, 2011Categories: Afghanistan, Economy, Health Care, Iraq, Obamarama, Party Animals, War on Terror, elections, environment, liberty, war and peace

Come join the winner of the 2009 Nobel “Iron Chef” Prize on a culinary review of three years of the Hope’n'Change Administration. Bon Appetit!

11×17 inch full-bleed medium-res color .jpg images:
Inside spread, 940kb
Outside spread, 664kb

Assembly instructions:
1. Print two-sided on 11×17 “full-bleed” color printer.
2. Fold in thirds so that the panel with the old Metro car and the title “Chef Barack’s Famous Democratic Diner” shows as the front cover.
3. Et voila!

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