Posts Tagged ‘DC Statehood’

Blast From Yer Past: “Days Of Our Pole”

By mike flugennockSaturday - November 18th, 2017Categories: DC Local, liberty, smoke-ins

"Days Of Our Pole", Washington DC, April 2015 from Mike Flugennock on Vimeo.

Come back with us now, to a simpler, sweeter, more innocent time — before the last election. There was sunshine and laughter, puppies and kittens… People just seemed to smile more back then.

It was during those pure, innocent days — April 2015 — that the DCMJ Crew showed up, at 4:20 on the morning of April 15, to erect its first-ever Liberty Pole and begin the DC Democracy Vigil.

Photographed and edited by Mike Flugennock, TRT 12:14

Fotos after the jump…

(continue reading…)

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Unsponsored Post

By mike flugennockWednesday - August 5th, 2015Categories: DC Local, liberty

DC Stoners rejoice! The much-loved Capitol Hemp — one of the main reasons we voted to legalize weed in DC — is back and better than ever up in Adams-Morgan thanks to longtime DC activist, shop co-owner and my best-bud-forever Adam Eidinger. And not only do they sell pipes and bongs, but you can actually talk about weed in the shop. Is that nuts, or what?

Along with the usual brain-numbing array of smoking items, hemp clothing and food, there’s also an eclectic selection of books and art — including postcards and signed prints by yours truly, painstakingly curated from 15 years worth of cartoon and poster art going back to “A16” and printed on good, stout hemp cardstock. It’s historic, it’s iconic, and it’s cheap. Such a deal. And remember — after I’m dead, the value of this work will skyrocket well into three digits.

Follow Capitol Hemp on Twitter.

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Phrygian Capitol

By mike flugennockWednesday - April 8th, 2015Categories: DC Local, elections, liberty

Hey, now, Free DC! Got those Phrygian Caps ready? Because it’s just about time for the DC Democracy Vigil on Tax Day, April 15. Find out more and RSVP at the DC Cannabis Coalition:

At the beginning of this year we sought volunteers to staff a DC Democracy Vigil. Had Congress moved to overturn Initiative 71, we planned to stage at 24 hour a day vigil to highlight our discontent. But after our meeting last week with Representative Jason Chaffetz’s staff, where we offered him a chance to reset relations with DC residents, we came away thinking Congressional leaders are not going to lift a finger for us! We have no choice but to escalate protests NOW to ruin their fake “freedom” brand and see them exposed for what they are: Oppressors.

So… y’ever wonder why the Statue Of Freedom on top of the Capitol Dome isn’t wearing a Phrygian Cap? Check it out here…

In 1854, when sculptor Thomas Crawford was preparing models for sculpture for the United States Capitol, Secretary of War Jefferson Davis (later to be the President of the Confederate States of America) insisted that a Phrygian cap not be included on a Statue of Freedom, on the grounds that “American liberty is original and not the liberty of the freed slave”. The cap was not included in the final bronze version that is now in the building.

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Phrygianism Protest!

By mike flugennockFriday - April 3rd, 2015Categories: DC Local, elections, liberty, media

Hey, there, Free DC! Time to bust out your Phrygian Caps and get together for the Tax Day protest at Congress, featuring the DC Cannabis Coalition’s legendary Liberty Pole!

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More Phrygian Cap kookiness:
Ye Olde Colonial Constituents Day, 02.08.15
State Of The Union: Don’t Ask, 01.20.15

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