Posts Tagged ‘Bernie’

In Case Of Bernie…

By mike flugennockSaturday - February 22nd, 2020Categories: 2020 Election, elections, media, Party Animals, Russiagate

Looks like Bernie Sanders is on a roll already, building up steam heading into the Nevada Caucuses, and that can only mean one thing – it’s time to drag out Russiagate again, and like our heroic “first responders” the US media are right on top of things, trying to put out the fire.

What really bugs me about this, though — and along with running as a Democrat, it made Sanders a non-starter for me — is how Sanders, despite all the centrist galaxy brains accusing him of being a Russian stooge, has actually been riding the Krazy Train almost since the beginning.

Really, Berners — is this your goddamn hero, the guy who’s going to lead your asses out of the desert? A guy who buys into the empty Russiagate hype, lets himself be rolled and Red-baited, and then bends the knee to a bunch of McCarthyists? Really?

Christ, you guys are going to get so goddamn screwed again — screwed blue and tattooed —  and I, for one, am out of sympathy for you.

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Garbage In…

By mike flugennockFriday - February 1st, 2019Categories: 2020 Election, Economy, elections, environment, Health Care, liberty, Party Animals, war and peace

So, it’s looking like the Donkeycrats have assembled their All-Star Team for 2020, except that they picked their All-Stars from the cellar dwellers.

Let’s have a look at the lineup, shall we…? We’ve got a guy who was Bill Clinton’s liar-in-chief, a sk8ter boy who couldn’t beat Ted Cruz, a woman who’s proud to have made a career out of prosecuting and imprisoning the poor and vulnerable, a woman who hangs with fascists from India, a woman who endorsed Hillary in ’16 and brags about being a capitalist, a guy who pimped Bill Clinton’s infamous crime bill in the ’90s, a woman who co-sponsored the anti-BDS bill, a guy whose nose is so far up Big Pharma’s ass it’s a wonder he can breathe and – last but certainly not least – every old progressive’s dream date, a guy who opposes BDS and who sat around silently, not saying jack about the bare-assed oil-grabbing right-wing coup going down in Venezuela for over 24 hours before inexplicably parroting Trump’s lies about the Maduro administration.

Basically, garbage.

Fascism is running wild all over, millions are a broken ankle away from destitution, we’re being dragged into another war in Latin America, the goddamn Earth is on fire, and the Democrats expect us to shut up and choose from garbage.

Garbage in, garbage out.

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…or Democracy Gets It!

By mike flugennockMonday - December 3rd, 2018Categories: elections, media, Party Animals

Apropos of nothing, I suppose… just coming up for air after wrapping up a big-ass fun design gig for a friend’s cannabis start-up that’s launching next year – and seeing all the Donuts on Twitter, bitching about all the Leftists who aren’t voting Democratic, and often staying home altogether.

In case you haven’t noticed, the smell of 2020 is already in the air – the Left-punching Donut accounts are out punching the Left, the Sanders-punching Donuts are out punching Bernie, and they’re all out pimping the Democratic Party because… democracy. Basically, if you’re not voting Democratic, you hate Democracy™.

The Donuts are all real gung-ho for the exercise of democracy n’shit, but then when you actually vote your values, like vote Green or Socialist or something – that is, actually participate in friggin’ democracy – they get their panties in a twist because you didn’t vote for the goddamn Democrat, even though the Democrat in the race also sucked on toast.

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Yer Liberals, no. 3

By mike flugennockSaturday - April 29th, 2017Categories: 2016 Election, elections, Party Animals

For the better part of a year and a half, Liberals have been screeching about how Sanders wasn’t “a real Democrat”, saying he was “damaging” the Democrats and that he and his supporters should leave the party — and after a year and a half of bullying, public insults, blame-shifting, gaslighting and other abuse, most progressive Democrats and other Left constituencies are thinking that ditching the Democratic Party sounds like a helluvan idea.

Needless to say these days, Liberals aren’t getting the reaction they’re hoping for from the Left on that point and, of course, the Liberals are having kind of a hard time getting their heads around it. Seems that finally, Liberal Democrats and the Left have reached common ground – just not in the way Liberals wanted.

And by the way, I need to send a shout-out and huge-ass props to Nina Illingworth, one of my favorite Left bloggers, who busts balls with straight raw truth, written in the kind of no-bullshit, smash-mouth style I really dig. A tweet she posted a week or so ago pretty much handed me this gag on a plate. Don’t forget to check out her blog, and toss a few bucks in her tip jar if you can. Thanks again, Nina.

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