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“Would Whoever Can Reach The Phone…”

By mike flugennockFriday - July 3rd, 2015Categories: 2016 Election, Party Animals, elections, right wingnuts

For those of you not of a certain age, a popular college fad in the 1950s was telephone booth stuffing. In fact, there were often competitions between colleges to see just how many students could cram themselves in. Oh, yeah, and you might also want to ask your parents or a great uncle what a telephone booth was.

Which brings us to the state of play in the current GOP Presidential nomination battle royale…

I can’t wait to see what the first debates are going to be like. I won’t bother watching unless they make ‘em do it in a big steel cage, with Mean Gene Okerlund as the moderator.

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And, here’s some more rock ‘em, sock ‘em election action:
“Cromnibus Island”,
December 2014
“Yer Liberals, no. 2: Make Him Do It”, November 2012
“Middle Class First”, October 2012
“Blankness You Can Believe In”, April 2012
“My Little Party”, February 2012

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Bride Of Frankenfood

By mike flugennockWednesday - May 27th, 2015Categories: 2016 Election, Clintontime, Globalization, Party Animals, elections, environment, media

Those of you who’ve been following the Hillary Clinton campaign recently — you poor sufferers — are probably aware of Hillary’s close ties to Monsanto and her continued support for GMO crops. In fact, her support for GMOs recently earned her the nickname “Bride Of Frankenfood” from Iowa environmentalists.

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…and, here’s still more Hillary hilarity:
Hillary In ‘08! 02.01.06
Your Jackass Slate For 2008, 02.17.07
Hillary Answers The Tough Ones, 12.10.07
I’m With Stupid, 04.16.15
Hillary Sez: “This Starts With You”, 04.17.15

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Disaster Capitalism 2.0

By mike flugennockSunday - May 10th, 2015Categories: Obamarama, environment

Why worry about the expenses of upgrading your fleet and complying with safety standards when you know you can wreck a town and get out of jail free — y’know, like BP?

…and speaking of which, here’s some more Disaster Capitalism 2.0 fuckery:
Spill Baby Spill, April 2010
Plugged At Last, May 2010

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…and, here’s the musical inspiration for this droppage:
The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown, “Fire”, 1968

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By mike flugennockMonday - May 4th, 2015Categories: Black Lives Matter, liberty, media

For those of you who rocked, I salute you.

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