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Unsponsored Post

By mike flugennockWednesday - August 5th, 2015Categories: DC Local, liberty

DC Stoners rejoice! The much-loved Capitol Hemp — one of the main reasons we voted to legalize weed in DC — is back and better than ever up in Adams-Morgan thanks to longtime DC activist, shop co-owner and my best-bud-forever Adam Eidinger. And not only do they sell pipes and bongs, but you can actually talk about weed in the shop. Is that nuts, or what?

Along with the usual brain-numbing array of smoking items, hemp clothing and food, there’s also an eclectic selection of books and art — including postcards and signed prints by yours truly, painstakingly curated from 15 years worth of cartoon and poster art going back to “A16″ and printed on good, stout hemp cardstock. It’s historic, it’s iconic, and it’s cheap. Such a deal. And remember — after I’m dead, the value of this work will skyrocket well into three digits.

Follow Capitol Hemp on Twitter.

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Map Of Kurdistan, Revised

By mike flugennockTuesday - July 28th, 2015Categories: Middle East, War on Terror, war and peace

Al Jazeera reports that Turkey, ostensibly attacking ISIS, has been stomping the living crap out of the Kurds. Turkey, of course, swears up and down that they aren’t targeting the Kurds. For clarity, here’s a map of the region for our US readers.

“That’s our story, and we’re sticking to it.” –Tayyip Erdogan

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“Intifada Everywhere” Picked Up By Mondoweiss

By mike flugennockFriday - July 24th, 2015Categories: Black Lives Matter, Middle East, Palestine, War on Terror, war and peace

I’m honored to have been included in Mondoweiss’ review of posters and protest art from Israel’s 2014 military campaign against Gaza, which killed over 2,000 Palestinians. The works featured in this article, Bombers, Blood and Teddy Bears, were selected by Mondoweiss from the over 175 artworks contained in the Palestine Poster Project archives.

Catherine Baker writes at Mondoweiss:
“The spirits of the more than 2,000 Palestinians who were killed in Israel’s 50-day military operation against Gaza last summer have been immortalized in the posters that have emerged from the conflict. The online Palestine Poster Project Archives contains more than 175 posters on Gaza published in the past year. ‘Art is not a mirror held up to reality but a hammer with which to shape it,’ in the words of Berthold Brecht…”

“This poster fuses three contemporaneous events: the war on Gaza launched by Israel on July 8; Michael Brown’s killing by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, on August 9; and the disappearance of 43 students from Ayotzinapa teachers school after being taken into police custody in Guerrero, Mexico, on September 26. “Ferguson to Palestine” is now a rallying cry (see slogan on the Apartheid Wall, below) and an organizing principle. The ties between these three movements will not likely be undone, and this can only benefit Palestine.

In Flugennock’s poster, the three men are similar in their stance and determination but unique in their garb and choice of weapon. The caption, “Intifada Everywhere,” can be read in at least two ways: “There are uprisings going on everywhere,” and, “There is a right to rise up wherever there is injustice.”

The large hashtags are a new element for Palestine posters. These direct the audience via social media into specific conversations and actions. In this way the poster becomes more than a statement; it serves as a signpost.”

11×17 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 1mb

…and here’s some more of my work on the subject of Israeli barbarity in Palestine:

- American Handala, September 2014
- From Gaza To Missouri, August 2014
- Toys In The Attic, August 2014
- Bring Back Our Boys, June 2014
- Star-Spangled Banner, November 2012
- Look Out, Bibi’s Redlining!, September 2012
- Obama’s AIPAC Speech Condensed, May 2011
- Nerobama, January 2009
- Poor Man’s F-16, July 2006
- Nuclear Threat, June 2006
- What Has Ariel Sharon Learned From The Holocaust?, February 2002

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What Part Of “NO!”…

By mike flugennockMonday - July 6th, 2015Categories: Economy, Globalization

…won’t they understand?

“We invented democracy – BITCHES!”
–the Greeks

11×10 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 287kb

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