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Nice Shooting!

By mike flugennockSaturday - July 9th, 2016Categories: Black Lives Matter, Palestine, liberty

If you’ve noticed, in the past few years, that the behavior and tactics of American police resemble those of Israeli police and soldiers, you’d be right — and these tactics have come into even sharper focus with the murder of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile by police in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Minneapolis, Minnesota recently.

Military occupation tactics, collective punishment, terrorizing and brutalizing neighborhoods, shooting kids for throwing stones — filthy, bloody Israel taught U.S. police everything they know.

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“Israel-trained police ‘occupy’ Missouri after killing of black youth”
Rania Khalek, Electronic Intifada 08.15.14

“From NYC, Ferguson To Baltimore, American Police Are Trained In Apartheid Israel”
Kit O’Connell, MintPress News 05.15.15

“U.S. Police Routinely Travel to Israel to Learn Methods of Brutality and Repression”
Justin Gardner, Free Thought Project 08.30.15

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By mike flugennockThursday - July 7th, 2016Categories: environment

The so-called “DARK Act”, working its way through the US Senate, is a pro-corporate bill full of loopholes disguised as a GMO labeling bill which, in fact, hides GMO information behind QR codes and toll-free telephone numbers.

Prior to the Senate vote yesterday, my long-time comrade Adam Eidinger and his pals from the Organic Consumers Association protested the influence of Monsanto in the Senate by flinging money — yep, that’s right, $2000 in real cash money — onto the floor of the Senate.

Find out more about the DARK Act at the Organic Consumers Association.

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Flugennock, the Documentary

By mike flugennockTuesday - June 28th, 2016Categories: media

Total running time: 19:19
Music by: Rations and Utter Failure on 86′d Records

Ron Douglas, producer of this documentary, is an Assistant Professor of Multimedia Communications at Wesley College, Delaware; he was a student activist involved in the anti-globalization movement at the turn of the century (this one) and became a fan of my work while wheatpasting my posters for the 2000 Spring IMF/World Bank mobilization.

Fast-forward 15 years — Ron has become an accomplished filmmaker and documentarian, producing films about police brutality, and about Native American boarding schools in the US and Canada. Last summer, he contacted me about being the subject in one of a series of documentaries on the emergence of citizen journalism on the Internet, and specifically the creation of the Independent Media Centers across the US and the world in the wake of the Seattle WTO mobilization of 1999, and the “A16″ mobilization at the IMF and World Bank in the spring of 2000.

This film provides a brief history of my cartoon work going back to the Yipster Times in the late 1970s, and my art and media activist involvement with the antiglobalization and antiwar movements of the ’00s, and my work with the DC Statehood and marijuana legalization campaign of 2014.

You can follow Ron Douglas on Twitter at @alchemicalmedia, and check out more of his documentary work on YouTube here.

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Pretty Vacant

By mike flugennockSaturday - June 25th, 2016Categories: Economy, Globalization

“There’s no point in asking, you’ll get no reply…!”

So, yesterday I’m watching and reading the ongoing coverage of the Brexit vote — watching “Leave” win by something like 4% — but what really got me going was the discussion of the ripple effect through the rest of Europe, as other countries watched the UK bail and thought “Hell, if the Brits can do it, why not us…?”

It’s also worth noting here that the discussion couldn’t really be broken down into a strictly either/or division, despite most media trying to forcibly break it down to “good Lefties vote Remain” and “only Rightist Trumpsters vote Leave”. I started out buying into that because the mainstream US media were beating the living crap out of that riff, but the more foreign and dissident media I read, the more nuances became evident.

In the end, I think it might be a good thing, and that this might actually work out well for our side, simply because I can’t think of a single kind of substantive, revolutionary change that didn’t require chaos, tumult and upheaval — the old “breaking eggs to make an omelet” thing. And man, am I ever hungry for a nice omelet right now.

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