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Sorta-sponsored Post

By mike flugennockSunday - August 14th, 2016Categories: DC Local, liberty

Back about a month ago, Capitol Hemp was inundated in the Great Bongwater Flood Of 2016. After about a week’s worth of bailing, vacuuming and clean-up, the shop was back in business.

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Gold Star Mother

By mike flugennockFriday - August 5th, 2016Categories: 2016 Election, Clintontime, Iraq, Party Animals, elections, media

So, about a week or so ago, The Donald queefed out yet another classic Tourette’s outburst about how he “sacrificed” during the Iraq War by “employing thousands and thousands of people” in response to remarks at the Democratic Convention by Khizr Khan, father of Army Capt. Humayun Khan, killed in Iraq in 2004, about how The Donald “sacrificed nothing” for his country.

The Democrats, always on the lookout for an issue to exploit, started up a good old-fashioned flag-waving contest, yelling to anyone who’d listen about patriotism and sacrifice. Gotta give ‘em credit, though; they managed to find the perfect non-issue to distract the media from all the leaks of DNC emails detailing their campaign of fraud and deception against Bernie Sanders’ campaign for the Democratic Presidential nomination. And it’s always good to see that Liberals love Muslims — as long as they’re willing to die for the Empire.

And speaking of sacrifice, I’m guessing Chelsea was too busy studying to become a hedge fund manager to do any sacrificing.

Jacket and M4 Carbine Ensemble by Giorgio Armani, $100b.

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By mike flugennockSaturday - July 30th, 2016Categories: 2016 Election, Party Animals, Russiagate, elections, media

At last report, there is absolute zero evidence that the Russians had squat to do with the recent Wikileaks dump of Democratic National Committee emails detailing the program of fraud and sabotage against the Sanders campaign. Still, that hasn’t stopped all manner of Liberal Democratic mouthpieces like MSNBC shrieking at full throat about how “the Russians did it”.

Actually, I think it’s too bad that the Russians didn’t do it, because ma-aan, would that have been some poetic justice.

11×17 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 448kb

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As Seen On TV!

By mike flugennockSunday - July 17th, 2016Categories: 2016 Election, Russiagate, elections, media

Shortly after Ron Douglas’ documentary dropped, RT America’s Lindsay France invited me onto her program FishTank, which covers electoral politics and elections. The interview aired June 30 and I’d planned to post this link here earlier, except a bunch of other stuff happened.

But, now that the dust has settled — just a bit — here’s my interview with Lindsay on RT America’s FishTank.

Total Running Time: 06:16

See more FishTank episodes on YouTube.

Follow Lindsay France and RT America on Twitter.

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