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Banana, Banana, Banana, Banana

By mike flugennockMonday - February 19th, 2018Categories: 2016 Election, Russiagate, elections, media

Welcome once again, folks, to the latest episode of Russiagate Nothingburger! According to the venerable CNN and Washington Post, a billion-dollar plus major Presidential election campaign was basically blown over by 13 people with a bunch of weak, dank-ass memes.

Needless to say, this mess was revealed to a be big, hot, sloppy bucket of nothing in record time — the total cost of the dank-ass meme campaign turned out to have been about $500k (David Brock’s “Correct The Record” spent millions to troll and harass Leftists and Sanders supporters), the dank-ass memes in question had a reach of about 1%, most of the dankness wasn’t even seen until after the “election”, and the indictment contained no evidence of the “election” being affected in any way regardless.

Still, it’s really nice of CNN to take a break from shouting the same lies over and over until it sounds like the truth in order to run a promo warning viewers about people who shout the same lies over and over until it sounds like the truth.

Jeezus, man; the Democrats must be getting pretty goddamn bored with all that winning, huh?

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By mike flugennockMonday - February 5th, 2018Categories: Party Animals, Russiagate, media

For something that’s supposed to be a such a big ol’ hot, sloppy bucket of nothing, the infamous Nunes Memo sure has the Democrats screeching about how it’s sowing “distrust” of institutions like the FBI. Yep, Liberals love them some FBI now, just like ol’ Phil Ochs said — 10 degrees to the left of center when things are good, 10 degrees to the right when it affects them personally.

Now, as someone who’s been involved in Left activism and activist media for nearly 40 years and knows the FBI’s history of disrupting and suppressing popular movements, I can tell you for free that I don’t need some babbling memo from a GOP Congresscritter to make me fervently distrust the goddamn FBI. Really, folks, let’s get serious, here. They have a history.

Between this drooling love for the State and feverishly trying to rehabilitate George W. Bush, I’d say the Democrats are pretty well cracked.

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By mike flugennockThursday - February 1st, 2018Categories: Party Animals, elections, liberty, media, war and peace

“This is a personal statement. There are no spokesmen for the Yippies. We suggest to all reporters that they ask each and every Yippie in Lincoln Park why they have come to Chicago. We are all our own leaders. We realize this list of demands is inconclusive, they are not really demands. For people to make demands of the Democratic Party is an exercise in wasted wish-fulfillment. If we have a demand, it is simply and emphatically that they, along with their fellow inmates in the Republican Party, cease to exist. We demand a society built along the alternative community in Lincoln Park, a society based on humanitarian cooperation and equality, a society which allows and promotes the creativity present in all people and especially our youth.” – A. Yippie

For those of you “in the know”, I don’t have to explain the big anniversary coming up this summer.

For those of you who aren’t, here’s a quick introduction:

At Wikipedia: The Youth International Party
At Wikipedia: The 1968 Democratic National Convention protests
At The Anarchist Library: Revolution Towards A Free Society: Documents from Chicago 1968

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Jaws 2: This Time, It’s Personal

By mike flugennockWednesday - January 10th, 2018Categories: Health Care, Trumpism, liberty, right wingnuts

Just when Jeff Sessions thought it was safe to go back into the water…

As you’ll recall a week or two back, AG Jeff Sessions rescinded the Cole Memo, which prevented Federal authorities from interfering with the policies of states which had legalized marijuana.

Much to most everyone’s delight, Sessions’ action seems to have the opposite effect; Vermont passed a legalization law this week, and Massachusetts is continuing with its plans to begin commercial sales after legalizing this past year.

If the sonofabitch wants a war, he’s got one. Bring it.
Free the heads, jail the feds.

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