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Russiagate Hangover

By mike flugennockMonday - January 1st, 2018Categories: Party Animals, Russiagate, media

Well, here it is, the morning after, and maa-aaan, did the Democrats and US Media get pants-pissing blackout drunk on Russiagate Bombshells this year. They’re sure paying for it now, though, huh? The smoking guns turned out to be shooting blanks, the bombshells were duds, the Mueller investigation’s turning out to be a double nothingburger with extra cheese, their bargain-basement neo-McCarthyite smear attempts against the Left are getting laughed out of the place, and their Great Alabama Hope has already turned on them. It’s hangover time.

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2017: We Don’t Need No Water.

By mike flugennockSunday - December 31st, 2017Categories: Middle East, Party Animals, Russiagate, elections, environment, liberty, media

Here it is, the whole kaboodle, the whole shitshow, the whole kahuna, a big hot sloppy bucket of 2017 In Cartoons.

• Dinnertime For Democrats, January
• Peak Liberal, February
• In Solidarity With Eaten Fish, March
• Won’t Somebody Think Of The Children, April
• Nobody Expects The Russia Investigation, May
• Tinfoil Hatter, June
• Mother Of All Bombs, July
• Google Censorship: 100% “Toxic”, August
• Houston, We Have A Problem, September
• Outlaw Democracy, October
• The Latest Russiagate “Smoking Gun”, November
• The Most Busted Name In News, December

…and throw the dumpster fire metaphor in there while you’re at it.

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If You Can’t Stop It…

By mike flugennockSaturday - December 16th, 2017Categories: liberty, media

In light of how many abysmal government decisions have been shoved through lately despite massive protests — the tax bill, net neutrality repeal, the Keystone Pipeline, the Dakota Access Pipeline, among others — it should be plenty obvious to any Left activist in this country that tired old tactics like petitions, calling up politicians and sign-waving aren’t cutting it anymore (as if they ever did).

And when politicians have gotten to the point where they feel they can openly mock and taunt citizens in public media, it can’t be any more obvious that it’s time for the U.S. Left to up their game and escalate to more revolutionary tactics — the tactics of real resistance: delay, subvert, sabotage.

It’s time for the U.S. Left to stop pretending it can win these struggles by waving signs, dropping banners and beseeching politicians, stop wasting time participating in the meaningless processes of decrepit institutions that don’t serve the People, and start gearing up to fight a real war of revolution.

Delay, subvert, sabotage.

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The Most Busted Name In News

By mike flugennockTuesday - December 12th, 2017Categories: Russiagate, media

It sure has been a real shitburner of a month for U.S. corporate media, hasn’t it? Aside from other notable debacles last week, the top honors went to CNN for their spectacular self-own involving the wrong date on an email in a Wikileaks trove in its “bombshell” Russiagate report which cited multiple sources — unnamed, of course. Once the correct date on the email was revealed, CNN’s “bombshell” — like pretty much all U.S. media Russiagate “bombshells” — turned out to be a big, empty dry fart.

But wait, there’s more! After that whole hot mess collapsed, David Frum, senior editor of The Atlantic, added to the hilarity by going on CNN, looking the whole country straight in the eye, and telling us that “The mistakes are precisely the reason people should trust the media.” Ohhhh, yeeeaaahhh. Keep fucking that chicken, Dave.

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