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Blast From Yer Past: “A16″

By mike flugennockFriday - April 13th, 2018Categories: Economy, Globalization, environment, liberty, media

Oh, that good old Spirit Of Seattle. Turtles’n’Teamsters everywhere.

The mood and solidarity between different parts of The Movement — folks like old-skool unionists and environmentalists discovering common goals and realizing they were fighting the same fight against the same enemy — were electric and invigorating in the months following Seattle, and none quite like the personal charge I got when, just a couple of weeks afterwards, I saw the action call posted in alt.activism for the April IMF/World Bank Mobilization in Washington, DC, for April 16, 2000 — the now-legendary “A16″.

Blast From Yer Past: "A16" IMF/WorldBank Mobilization, 04.16.00 from Mike Flugennock on Vimeo.

At last, no more watching for little shreds of TV coverage, of scouring another city’s IMC postings — the revolution circus was coming to my town, and I was going to actually be in it, and photographing and taping it, and telling the story of that week for everybody else out there… and, the wheatpasting. Oh, yeah, the wheatpasting…

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Yaser Murtaja, Presente!

By mike flugennockSunday - April 8th, 2018Categories: Middle East, Palestine, liberty, media

In memory and solidarity with Yaser Murtaja, the Palestinian photojournalist murdered by the IDF at the Gaza Land Day protests last week.

11×17 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 1.3mb

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Blue Wave

By mike flugennockWednesday - April 4th, 2018Categories: Party Animals, elections, media

From all the howling in the MSM these days, you’d think they were expecting not just a “Blue Wave”, but a “Blue Tsunami” — except the numbers say they’ll be lucky to get a “Blue Ripple”, and in Texas right now it’s looking more like a “Blue Tidepool”, pitting a bland corporate-looking white-boy Democrat against an incumbent whose head is sculpted entirely of suet pudding.

This on top of the fact that on social media, the Democratic Party politburo, trolls and fangirls are going with the formula that worked so well for them last time:

• Run a bland, donor class-approved corporate Centrist.
• Threaten and shame Left voters.
• Gaslight, insult, and lie to Left voters.
• Bully and smear Left electoral challengers.
• Hope the GOP candidate is revealed to be a pedophile.

Cowabunga, dudes.

11×14 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 988kb

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“Bring It Home”: It’s About Where You Live

By mike flugennockWednesday - February 21st, 2018Categories: DC Local, Economy, Health Care, liberty

National Days of Action, April 2-4, 2018

Initiative 71 allows residents of and visitors to the District of Columbia to possess, grow, and give a limited amount of cannabis to other adults. However, the District, like many other states that have legalized cannabis, is preempted by Federal Law, and landlords who rent their properties can limit or prohibit a tenant’s adult use of cannabis, even for medical purposes, on their property…

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