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Philippines in Red

By mike flugennockTuesday - February 26th, 2019Categories: Globalization, Trumpism, liberty, right wingnuts

In solidarity with my friends and comrades at DCMJ and and their protest at the Philippine Embassy this past week against the ongoing program of terror against drug users – and other “undesirables” – by the Duterte regime.

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2020 Sweet Spot

By mike flugennockThursday - February 21st, 2019Categories: 2020 Election, Party Animals, elections, media

Never mind for a moment the idea that you’d ever see a pompous-ass big-city morning tome like the Post use the phrase “sweet spot” on top of the fold on A1. This is some of the best news I’ve seen smack on the front page in years. “Candidates Fear Socialist Label…” Why am I so overjoyed at that?

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Garbage In…

By mike flugennockFriday - February 1st, 2019Categories: 2020 Election, Economy, Health Care, Party Animals, elections, environment, liberty, war and peace

So, it’s looking like the Donkeycrats have assembled their All-Star Team for 2020, except that they picked their All-Stars from the cellar dwellers.

Let’s have a look at the lineup, shall we…? We’ve got a guy who was Bill Clinton’s liar-in-chief, a sk8ter boy who couldn’t beat Ted Cruz, a woman who’s proud to have made a career out of prosecuting and imprisoning the poor and vulnerable, a woman who hangs with fascists from India, a woman who endorsed Hillary in ‘16 and brags about being a capitalist, a guy who pimped Bill Clinton’s infamous crime bill in the ’90s, a woman who co-sponsored the anti-BDS bill, a guy whose nose is so far up Big Pharma’s ass it’s a wonder he can breathe and – last but certainly not least – every old progressive’s dream date, a guy who opposes BDS and who sat around silently, not saying jack about the bare-assed oil-grabbing right-wing coup going down in Venezuela for over 24 hours before inexplicably parroting Trump’s lies about the Maduro administration.

Basically, garbage.

Fascism is running wild all over, millions are a broken ankle away from destitution, we’re being dragged into another war in Latin America, the goddamn Earth is on fire, and the Democrats expect us to shut up and choose from garbage.

Garbage in, garbage out.

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…and how would you like this done?

By mike flugennockFriday - January 25th, 2019Categories: Globalization, liberty, right wingnuts, war and peace

So… in Venezuela, Juan Guaido, a rightist “opposition” leader who’d never actually run in the recent Presidential election, just out of nowhere declares himself “Interim President” and swears himself in, and the US is apparently ready to support this doorknob in a coup attempt against Nicolas Maduro, a Bolivarist who actually ran for President, won the election, and was actually sworn in as the actual President this past week.

Just so we’re clear on that, folks, next time CNN or somebody drops another “bombshell” about the Russians “meddling” in our “elections”.

Speaking of which, why the hell didn’t Hillary think of this? Why didn’t she just swear herself in? Cripes, she wouldn’t quit screaming about how she won the goddamn popular vote; why couldn’t she rustle up Lawrence Lessig or Laurence Tribe or one of those other Harvard Law knobs to administer the oath and just swear her own insufferable ass in?

Emoluments, 25th Amendment, Russia, bah! Have Ruth Bader Ginsburg swear her in on a copy of In Takes A Village, get Macron, May, and a couple of other EU neoliberal Blue Meanies to recognize her, and badda-bing, El Presidente.

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