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Only In New York

By mike flugennockTuesday - April 30th, 2019Categories: 2020 Election, Party Animals, elections, media

Welp, folks, it’s official: Lis Smith is the Sidney Falco of our era. Who else would have the skills, connections, and moral turpitude to pull together this ham-handed stunt involving Pete Buttigieg riding the subway to a joint in Harlem to split a bottle of hot sauce with Al Sharpton?

It’s been reported they discussed racial disparity n’shit, but let’s get serious; this was just a freakin’ foto op. They could’ve been re-enacting the fake orgasm scene from When Harry Met Sally for all we know. I mean, c’mon, look at all the freakin’ cameras in that place, crowding the window.

The questions I’d like to ask here are: what brand is that hot sauce, and why haven’t they brought out the mayo yet? You know… that big ‘ol jar of weak, tasteless, store-brand diet mayo…? Oh, waitaminnit…

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Space Force no.2: Mars Awaits

By mike flugennockSaturday - April 20th, 2019Categories: Trumpism, right wingnuts, space, war and peace

This was initially inspired by this article on Sputnik International, about the six military bases up for consideration for Space Force headquarters. After some curious digging, I’ve noticed they’ve gone from “Mars Awaits” to the slightly more modest “back to the Moon in 5 years”. Of course, the goal that’s grabbing the attention of millions of us is VP Man From GLAD’s consideration of nuclear weapons deployment in space.

Goes without saying Elon Musk is on board with the idea; I’m guessing his long game will involve a need for a few hundred Space Grunts to guard his gated Martian colonies for the rich.

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Peak Liberal no. 2

By mike flugennockSunday - April 7th, 2019Categories: 2020 Election, Party Animals, elections, media

Presented without comment, after seeing this vile little chunk of news.

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30 Seconds Over Moscow

By mike flugennockFriday - April 5th, 2019Categories: 2020 Election, Party Animals, Russiagate, media

The kid can’t help it; he’s got that ol’ Russiagate Hangover. Granted, this piece is a bit late, but I’ve been out of town and besides, this kinda shit is evergreen.

So, how many of you are old enough to remember February? Remember Sen. Amy Klobuchar, one of my own personal favorite Russiagaters – or, as I like to call her, Frau Blucher – and her legendary abusive behavior in the office and her spectacularly crass defense of the same? Yeah, she really is a favorite.

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