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Little Twee Library

By mike flugennockMonday - October 17th, 2022Categories: Uncategorized, liberty, media

I don’t know about your city, but here in the tonier ‘hoods of DC, the Little Free Libraries are a big thing. Sounds really sweet and noble and grassrootsy mutual-aidy n’shit until you get a load of what’s actually in the goddamn things. It’s basically the kind of instantly-obsolete stuff you used to see stacked on the sidewalk in front of the fence in front of the house with a little post-it note reading “FREE” — old college textbooks, trendy disposable political tomes, pseudo-academic shartage by “public intellectuals”, cute trendy late ’00s millennial YA novels, trendy child-rearing stuff, trendy self-helpy shit, people unloading all the John Grisham and James Patterson novels they bought to read on the plane… Sure as hell didn’t see anyone giving away their copies of On The Road or To Have And Have Not or Sirens Of Titan or Ché Guevara’s Motorcycle Diaries or anything, y’know…?

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Opening Bell

By mike flugennockFriday - September 16th, 2022Categories: Bidenism, Ukrainamania, media, war and peace

“…freedom has many manifestations but the most important for many is the ability to work for your benefit, for the benefit of your children and the want of your country. Ukraine is a story of a future victory and a chance for you to invest now in projects worth hundreds of billions of dollars to share the victory of us… This will be your victory and a new success story for your companies.”
—Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine, 09.06.2022

I’ve seen some pretty goddamn unctous fotos in the news in my time, but none quite as revulsive lately as this tableau featuring US stooge and Neo-Nazi Volodymyr Zelensky “virtually” ringing the opening bell via remote video link at the New York Stock Exchange — and none quite as apropos, given that shares in US “defense” industries are hitting the stratosphere, and Ford and IBM’s infamous collaboration with the Nazis.

As reported at Grayzone and Multipolarista, Zelensky’s economic “victory” is being won through the abolition of labor protection in a program not unlike that instituted by Pinochet in Chile in the 1970s, combined with some of that good old-fashioned globalized IMF/WorldBank “shock treatment”. Ukraine is “open for business”, the sonofabitch says — I don’t know about you, but when I hear one of these bastards talk about how his country is “open for business”, it’s time to look the hell OUT.

This crass stunt — along with Zelensky’s suppression of Left opposition parties and his repeated foto ops with Nazis — would actually indicate that this is pretty much par for the course on Wall Street, which never met a war (or a fascist) it didn’t like.

“We are pleased to welcome President Zelensky virtually to the NYSE bell podium, a symbol of the freedom and opportunity our U.S. capital markets have enabled around the globe. We are honored the President has chosen the NYSE to mark the kickoff of Advantage Ukraine and engage with the world’s business community.”
—Lynn Martin, president, NYSE Group, 09.06.2022

15×17 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 849kb:
>Swastika version | >Azov version

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Pigs On The Wing

By mike flugennockMonday - August 29th, 2022Categories: Bidenism, Ukrainamania, liberty, media, war and peace

…Smerconish then asked, “What about our role as liberators?,” to which Waters replied, “You have no role as liberators.” When Smerconish pointed to the US intervention in World War II, Waters observed, “Thank God, the Russians had already won the bloody war almost by then. Don’t forget 23 million Russians died protecting you and me from the Nazi menace.”
— Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters vs. CNN’s Michael Smerconish, 08.06.2022

In the past fifteen or twenty years I’ve seen some pretty sick-ass bastards’n'bitches drop some sick-ass takes right out in the open, not giving a damn who heard or cared and thinking that they were just the hottest goddamn shit on two legs. I’ve seen George W. Bush sending thousands of Americans to die for his lies and goading the Iraqis to “bring it on” from the safety of the Oval Office. I’ve seen Hillary Clinton gloating over the death of Gadhafi, burbling “we came, we saw, he died” and cackling like a goddamn witch, and I’ve seen Hillary melting down over the 2016 email leaks and demanding the assassination of Julian Assange.

Nothing, however, matches the absolute rock-bottom bloody filthiness of a US-funded Ukrainian neo-Nazi outfit called Myrotvorets, which has also apparently claimed responsibility for the car bombing assassination of Daria Dugina (daughter of a noted Russian fascist type) about which the Washington Post made a right snotty show out of how few fucks they gave about it. These scum have compiled a friggin’ dossier on Roger Waters — y’know, Pink Floyd, that Roger Waters — and included him on their “kill list” for speaking out on Ukrainian neo-Nazism and human rights abuses, and the hypocrisy of US/NATO imperialism in Ukraine. Yeah, a goddamn kill list, f’crissake.

Above and beyond the comic-book bluster of Hilldawg and Dubya, the bastards at Myrotvorets are actually claiming credit for assassinations, and compiling hit lists of dissident journalists and artists, with the funding and blessing of the US, and are doubling down with threats against some of the most prominent artists of their generation.

As an artist and political dissident myself — and as someone who’s old enough to remember the night John Lennon was stolen from us — my disgust is off-scale. Seriously, man. Roger Fucking Waters. Bastards.

If you #StandWithUkraine then THIS is what you stand with. Enjoy it.

“Hah, ha, charade you are…!”

11 x 16 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 729kb

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Information Terrorist

By mike flugennockTuesday - August 23rd, 2022Categories: Bidenism, Ukrainamania, media, war and peace

…Some three weeks after Schumer helped push the (Ukraine aid) bill into law, on July 14, Andriy Shapovalov, a Ukrainian civil servant whose salary was paid for by U.S. taxpayer monies, convened a “round table” in Kiev on “countering disinformation.”

Shapovalov, in his role as the acting head of Ukraine’s Center for Countering Disinformation, published a list of the names of 72 people whom he accused of deliberately spreading disinformation about Ukraine. Shapovalov labelled them “information terrorists,” adding that Ukraine was preparing legislation so that such people can be prosecuted as “war criminals.”

—Scott Ritter, reporting at Consortium News, 08.03.2022

Yeah, kids, isn’t that a flabbergaster? One helluva humdinger of a doozy. I thought Biden — who never met a US war of aggression he didn’t like — had pretty much destroyed my Goofy Meter when he called Putin a “war criminal”, but this shit’s got Goofy Meters exploding worldwide.

Just so we’re clear — any journalist reporting the truth from on the ground, any journalist or essayist whose reporting or opinions contradict the official US/NATO Western media narrative? That’s right, an “information terrorist”, a “war criminal”. Ben Norton? Aaron Maté? Rania Khalek? Alina Lipp? Eva Bartlett? Lee Camp? Yep, that’s right. Information terrorists, war criminals.

The Gallup numbers, which I peeped not soon after, really drove the goofiness home. After 70-odd years of lies about Hiroshima, the Tonkin Gulf, My Lai, Cambodia, Laos, the Drug War, Kuwaiti incubator babies, Iraqi WMD’s, Afghanistan, Havana Syndrome, Russiagate, trust in US media is at an all-time low, and I’m an “information terrorist” for doing these goddamn cartoons? I’M a goddamn “war criminal” for calling out the US state and media on their lies?

Bwah ha ha ha ha hah. The West™ can’t collapse a day too soon for me.

13.75 x 14 inch medium-res .jpg image, 624kb

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