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America’s Favorite Fascist

By mike flugennockTuesday - December 20th, 2022Categories: Bidenism, Ukrainamania, media, war and peace

So, a few days back, a follower on Mastodon (spit) posted this article from the Union Of Orthodox Journalists from May 2018, about a Ukrainian postage stamp series honoring great thugs — uhh, soldiers — of the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician) on its 75th anniversary. Yeah, that’s right, Ukraine fought proudly on the fascist side, and venerates these filthy bastards to this day.

Then, I had to ask myself — why no stamp with Zelensky? God only knows they still loves them some Nazis over there, and I’ve pretty much lost track of how many times Mr. Z has been busted doing happy-snap foto ops with Azov Battalion and Right Sector thugs showing off their cool 3rd SS Panzers and Waffen SS gear.

The guy is hanging with Nazis, stomping all over the Left, beating down the working class, walking like a duck and quacking like a duck.

If you’re going to #StandWithUkraine that’s your business, but at least take a good, steamy gawk at what you’re standing with and own it.

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“White Paper” Revolution

By mike flugennockThursday - December 8th, 2022Categories: Bidenism, China, Health Care, coronavirus, media

Welp… (siggghhh) another day, another US-cheered and instigated protest “movement” for “freedom” in China, slavishly “reported” by the US boss’ media. Hell, they’ve even got a cute gimmick and a cute nickname to go with it already. The “White Paper” Revolution, the wags are calling it at the State Department, NED, USAID, New York Times, Washington Post, and every goddamn cable news network on Earth, and it’s supposedly all about some Ayn Rand concept of “freedom” from the testing and quarantine requirements of China’s largely successful public health response, which is aimed at getting as close to completely eradicating the virus as they can get — as opposed to the US, which abandoned the population to its own devices to sicken and die of COVID19 to the tune of just over a million people last year.

Freedom, my ass — the freedom of ignorant, Ayn Rand brutalists whose twisted ideas of “bodily autonomy” include no concept whatsogoddamnever of acting conscientiously or making small sacrifices for the public good. It’s the freedom of selfish chuds who want haircuts and ice cream, who want to be “served” no matter what the actual human cost.

This astroturf circus isn’t about freedom, it’s about the likes of Tesla, Intel, Apple and others who are impatient to literally work people to death in China the way they have in the US for the past two years.

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Elon Musk’s FashFone™ by PhoneX

By mike flugennockWednesday - November 30th, 2022Categories: media, right wingnuts

After Elon Musk bought Twitter, declared it a “free speech zone”, started letting all the fascists back in and shutting down the Left, there was some understandable online rioting this week, and the predictable calls from America’s boutique anarchist media to join an exodus to Mastodon. Oh, how I laughed.

So, late last week, Apple and Google finally got off their goddamn duffs and declared that Twitter would be shut out of the Google Play and Apple App stores if the enabling of fascist hate speech and harassment was allowed to continue. Musk, at his very Muskmost, announced that he would develop his own brand of smartphone whose App Shoppe would allow Twitter.

…which basically leaves Gab and Parler in a spot, when you think about it. Now, you don’t have to go to some seedy, fringey fascist social-media site to spew your shit; you can just go to Twitter.

Sometimes these gags draw themselves.

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Nearly 90 Percent

By mike flugennockSunday - November 6th, 2022Categories: Bidenism, Ukrainamania, media, war and peace

Y’know, it’s truly amazing when clowns like these just come right out and say it, and seem so obviously bummed about it — like, just exactly Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is wrong with nearly 90 percent of the goddamn Earth, anyway? Can’t they see we’re fighting for democracy? Bwah ha ha ha ha ha hahhh.

Perhaps it’s because nearly 90% of the Earth has already seen the USA in action in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Korea, Guantanamo, My Lai, Abu Ghraib, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Bolivia, Cuba, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Perhaps it’s because unlike nearly 100% of Americans, nearly 90% of the rest of Earth isn’t a bunch of goddamn indoctrinated idiots. Does anybody here remember the “Coalition Of The Willing”?

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