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By mike flugennockMonday - December 16th, 2013Categories: Afghanistan, Obamarama, War on Terror, liberty, media

The past couple of weeks have seen many memorable moments in all the pomp and ceremony marking the passing of Nelson Mandela, but none as memorable as this indelible image of three world leaders keeping it classy at the Mandela memorial service last week.

And now, Mandela has finally been laid to rest in his ancestral village — and not a moment too soon, as I don’t know if I could’ve stood much more of the hypocritical spewage from the leaders of the nations who funded and armed the apartheid regime and conspired to keep Mandela imprisoned for nearly three decades.

Some of the most breathtaking spewage had to have come from that inimitable mass murderer and concentration camp operator, our very own Barack “Dronemeister” Obama:

“We will not likely see the likes of Nelson Mandela again.  So it falls to us as best we can to forward the example that he set…”

President Sparkle Pony has actually said something truthful here, if only by accident. If the likes of Mandela were emerging today, he’d likely have made it onto Obama’s “Disposition Matrix” if he hasn’t already been smeared in a drone strike while he attended a friend’s wedding. Either that, or he might be rotting in Guantanamo right now.

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Egyptian Revolution no.2

By mike flugennockFriday - December 6th, 2013Categories: Middle East, liberty

Anyone who knows my work will tell you that I really love parodying famous works of art, and the recent revival of revolutionary action in the streets following the Egyptian government’s newly-passed law restricting public protest seemed the perfect time to do my version of one of my favorite 19th Century French paintings: Eugene Delacroix’s Liberty Leading The People.

All across Egypt, ordinary people are taking to the streets to assert their rights in defiance of government efforts to criminalize public protest. A mass student strike in Cairo proetsting the police shooting of a student demonstrator this week displayed the kind of courage in the face of state violence which should inspire the meek and cushy-living activists of the US to bolder action — but will probably not.

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Obama’s Katrina

By mike flugennockTuesday - November 19th, 2013Categories: Health Care, Obamarama, Party Animals, media

The recent implosion of and the millions of people losing their health insurance despite Obama’s promise (and we know what that’s worth) have created a “perfect storm” of FAIL which is leading many to refer to Obamacare — uh, sorry, the Affordable Care Act — as “Obama’s Katrina”.

In the meantime Obamacare architect Ezekiel Emanuel, brother of Chicago mayor and Obama flunkie Rahm Emanuel, is telling anybody who’ll listen that this pain parade is somehow the fault of Fox News. I’ll grant you, Fox News is a veritable media cesspool responsible for pimping all manner of slimy skankiness, but anyone paying the remotest attention over the past month will tell you that Fox News didn’t have anything to do with this FAIL festival.

While that business is going on, House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi is all over MSDNC… uh, MSNBC… swearing up and down that Democrats are totally in line behind Obamacare. Yeah, sure, Nancy, just keep telling yourself that. Perhaps in some weirded-out dreamscape of yours, Democrats are in lockstep behind Obama’s corporate healthcare sweetheart deal, but out here in objective reality, buttloads of Democrats are running from Obamacare like it was a house on fire.

I can’t pretend I’m not enjoying this.

(And btw, I’m sure many of you are wondering what a hardcore Leftie like myself is doing citing articles at conservative news sites. Well, I’ll tell you… it’s a goddamn’ shame that I have to read the Washington Times and Newsbusters to get even half a clear idea of what the hell’s going on, because MSNBC is full of nothing but pimping and shucking these days. Think of it this way: I’m reading that crap so you don’t have to.)

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Angry Birds

By mike flugennockThursday - November 14th, 2013Categories: Economy, Occupy, media

Last week JPMorgan Chase, world-renowned den of thieves, decided to try and buff up their PR by staging an event on Twitter, a question-and-answer event under the hashtag #AskJPM. Needless to say, hilarity ensued.

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