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Almost Hell

By mike flugennockTuesday - January 21st, 2014Categories: environment

Back in the ’70s, the entire DC Metro area — especially the Virginia suburbs — was awash in tourist shop T-shirts bearing this design with the two-word slogan taken from the notorious John Denver song being beaten to death on Top 40 radio at the time. As I let my mind chew on the Al Jazeera America news reports on the continuing chemical spill situation in West Virginia, I somehow stumbled over the memory of this cheesy T-shirt art.

11×17 medium-res color .jpg image, 520kb.

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Chris Christie Festival

By mike flugennockSaturday - January 18th, 2014Categories: Obamarama, Party Animals, War on Terror, elections, environment, media

It’s time once again for the latest headlines of the day on MSNBC… and here with the headlines is Barbie Anchorbabe…

It’s not as if there hasn’t been a metric shit-ton of important news happening in the past week or so. You’ve got the Mexican “autodefensas” battling the drug cartels, the Fullerton, California cops who beat and tasered a homeless man to death, Obama’s worthless tap-dancing NSA speech — but probably the biggest story of the week has to be the massive chemical spill in Elk River, West Virginia, which left 300,000 people in nine counties without fresh water.

Of course, you wouldn’t know that from watching the Democratic Party noise machine in action at MSNBC, which has spent almost all of its available air time this week on the trumped-up “Bridgegate” scandal in New Jersey involving Governor Chris Christie, who’s also considered a major hopeful for the 2016 GOP Presidential nomination. Coincidence? Naahhhh.

11×17 inch medium-res color .jpg image, vertical format, 740kb
11×17 inch medium-res color .jpg image, horizontal format, 811kb

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Noise channels

By mike flugennockThursday - January 2nd, 2014Categories: Obamarama, Party Animals, media, right wingnuts

News channels? Noise channels, more like.

Cast your memory back, for a moment, to the Bush Years — oh, sure you can, c’mon. Fox News was cheerleading for war and a burgeoning police state, calling dissenters “traitors”, yelling for every dissident’s and whistleblower’s head on a plate, and spewing GOP talking points all over us. MSNBC, in the meantime, was hollering for an end to imperialist wars, the protection of civil liberties, and all that other speaking-truth-to-power horseshit.

Fast-forward to the Obama Years. Fox News is suddenly hollering about dissent and civil liberties and Obama’s adventurism overseas. MSNBC, in the meantime, is cheerleading for war, softpedaling Obama’s use of drones to murder civilians, calling dissenters “traitors”, yelling for every dissident’s and whistleblower’s head on a plate, and spewing Democratic Party talking points all over us.

Anybody detecting a pattern here?

These three sticker designs depict the real reason for being of both of these hypocritical partisan “news” channels. The MSDNC logo may be something new to most of you, but why the Fox News parody logo, you might ask? Granted, everybody and their cat may have figured out that Fox News was a GOP mouthpiece from day one, but I thought it might be a good idea to include it, because Fair And Balanced.

MSDNC old style, 10.5 x 10 inch medium-res .jpg image, 202kb
MSDNC new style, 10 x 3 inch medium-res .jpg image, 83kb
GOP Noise, 10.25 x 7.5 inch medium-res .jpg image, 157kb

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Well, waddya know?

By mike flugennockThursday - December 19th, 2013Categories: Afghanistan, Obamarama, War on Terror, media, right wingnuts

I don’t know if this helps any, but… ho, ho, ho.

Am I the only one out here who’s sick to goddamn’ death of seeing the US Left wasting its time getting its panties in a twist over this whole phony-assed “is Santa Claus white or black” controversy? Am I the only one out here who’s fed up watching the US Left letting some bimbo at Fox News push its buttons with the same old standard-issue Culture War horseshit?

Is Santa Claus white or black? Ask me if I give a shit. Honestly, with all the really important stuff going on, why is the US Left wasting time fighting with Megyn Kelly over this crap?

Get a grip, willya? Idiots.

13.25 x 14.5 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 643kb.

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