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These Hands Have Been Touched By God!

By mike flugennockSaturday - July 12th, 2014Categories: DC Local, Health Care, Party Animals, elections, liberty, right wingnuts

As most of you in DC will recall, the City Council voted to decriminalize marijuana some months back. Predictably — and unlike any other city in the United States — this law passed by a local government is being interfered with by the Congress of the United States, in the form of an amendment to an appropriations bill prohibiting Federal and city money to administer the new law, introduced by a no-name clown from Maryland named Andy Harris.

The prevailing opinion among legalization and home rule advocates in DC is that if Rep. Harris wants to help govern the city of Washington, DC, he should become an official resident and run for City Council.

11×17 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 904kb.

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Detroit Everywhere

By mike flugennockFriday - July 4th, 2014Categories: Economy, Globalization, Occupy, environment

Here’s one in solidarity with the nearly 150,000 residents of Detroit whose water is being shut off as part of a water system privatization scheme.

I’m not surprised to hear that the people of Detroit are appealing for United Nations intervention in what is obviously a humanitarian crisis in the making right here in the bad old USA. For me, the question was not “if”, but “when”.

11×17 inch medium-res color jpeg image, 963kb.

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DC Pot Legalization Initiative Celebrates Successful Petition Drive

By mike flugennockWednesday - July 2nd, 2014Categories: DC Local, elections, liberty

Prop 71 celebrates successful petition campaign, 07.01.14 from Mike Flugennock on Vimeo.

DC Marijuana Legalization Initiative Petitioners “Git ‘er done”!

The staff and volunteers for Initiative 71 celebrate the end of a successful petition campaign to put the legalization of marijuana on the November ballot in Washington DC. Petitioners gathered over 55,000 signatures, more than twice the required amount.

Now, on to November!

Total running time: 05:35

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By mike flugennockFriday - June 20th, 2014Categories: Middle East, Palestine, War on Terror

Here’s one for our friends in Israel, just to let them know I’m thinking of them as they search diligently for their precious missing teens.

11×13 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 636kb

Israelis Kill Palestinian During House Searches In West Bank, Al Jazeera English, 06.17.14

Israel Teens Search Aims To “Break” Hamas, Al Jazeera English, 06.18.14

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