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By mike flugennockFriday - June 20th, 2014Categories: Middle East, War on Terror

Here’s one for our friends in Israel, just to let them know I’m thinking of them as they search diligently for their precious missing teens.

11×13 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 636kb

Israelis Kill Palestinian During House Searches In West Bank, Al Jazeera English, 06.17.14

Israel Teens Search Aims To “Break” Hamas, Al Jazeera English, 06.18.14

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FIFA Gets The Red Card

By mike flugennockThursday - June 12th, 2014Categories: Globalization, Occupy

Fifteen thousand families have been forcibly relocated to make room for stadiums and infrastructure for the World Cup in Brazil.

A thousand military-backed police and 200,000 soldiers have been deployed for “security” and the suppression of popular protests against the eviction and displacement of poor families to make room for the World Cup. Police have raided the homes of activists and pre-emptively arrested at least 8 on the eve of the tournament.

Enjoy the football, everybody.

11×17 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 827kb.

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God Save The King! (new Spanish flag)

By mike flugennockWednesday - June 4th, 2014Categories: Economy, Globalization, liberty

One thing I’m thankful to Al Jazeera for is that it lets me follow the recent events in Spain in far greater detail than I ever could on CNNMSNBCFox.

Here’s one in solidarity with Spaniards all over their country taking the streets to protest economic “austerity” and the ruination of their economy by the bankers, and to demand an end to the monarchy following the abdication of King Juan Carlos.

God Save The King — and his fascist regime!

New Spanish coat of arms: 14×14 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 835kb
New Spanish flag: 11×17 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 1.5mb

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Prop 71 Petition Drive Hits Capitol Hill

By mike flugennockMonday - June 2nd, 2014Categories: DC Local, elections, liberty

Total running time 03:52.

The petition drive for Washington, DC’s cannabis leglization ballot question hits Capitol Hill on one of the first rare perfect spring days in DC.

Find out about the “Super Sunday Signature Gathering Blitz” at the DC Cannabis Campaign.

UPDATE: CORRECTION: Tommy Wells is, in fact, the DC City Councilman from Ward 6, not “at-large”.

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