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Look Out, Bibi’s Redlining!

By mike flugennockSaturday - September 29th, 2012Categories: Middle East, Palestine, right wingnuts, war and peace, War on Terror

Am I the only one here who saw those fotos of Netanyahu at the UN the other day and wondered “what the hell kind of pointy-haired middle-management dog’n’pony bullshit am I looking at?” Seriously, was the guy smoking crack on the plane to New York, or what?

Oh, and don’t forget, folks — you can’t pronounce “Netanyahu” without “yahoo”.

11×14 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 464kb.

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Yer Liberals

By mike flugennockWednesday - September 26th, 2012Categories: Afghanistan, Economy, elections, Health Care, liberty, Obamarama, Party Animals, war and peace, War on Terror

The continuing adventures of The Forty-Seven Percent.

My follow-up to last week’s anatomical chart.
11×17 inch grayscale .jpg image, 660kb.

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My Little Party

By mike flugennockFriday - February 3rd, 2012Categories: elections, Middle East, Obamarama, Party Animals, war and peace

Phew. After doing more cartoons in the past year than I did in the previous ten, I took most of January off while I wrapped up a fistful of freelance projects (hoorah for work!) and then spent the better part of the past two weeks grunting out this monsterpiece.

But, enough.

This one’s a salute to all you surviving Kool-Aid-drinking Obamabots getting ready to soldier on into this year’s Presidential Freak Circus — all you Lefties and Progressives who were willingly, knowingly, happily bamboozled by all the hope’n’change talk four years ago. The slightest bit of research could’ve shown you folks that not only was Obama not a Progressive, but there was no way in Hell you were going to get anything remotely resembling what you all assumed you were going to get once Obama took office — namely, the political equivalent of a pony. You did think Obama was going to get you all ponies, right?

18×24 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 1.1mb

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DC Is Occupied, At Last!

By mike flugennockFriday - October 7th, 2011Categories: Afghanistan, Economy, environment, Health Care, liberty, Obamarama, Occupy, war and peace, War on Terror

The “Occupy” Movement: now with 95% more “nyan”!


It was mostly the usual suspects, for sure, but it was still great to see Our Side finally get off its ass and into the streets again. Despite all the talk about Teabaggers beginning to get involved, I only saw the usual smattering of LaRouchies and Paultards, who were largely ignored except by those in need of cheap laffs. Also, much to my delight, I spotted one — count ’em, one — 9/11 Tr00th freak in the crowd, his sign still demanding that someone “Investigate WTC 7”.

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