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Ding Dong, The Witch Is Dead!

By mike flugennockThursday - March 24th, 2022Categories: 2016 Election, Clintontime, Globalization, Iraq, Middle East, Party Animals, right wingnuts, war and peace

Well, I’ll be goddamned. I thought she’d never die. I figured she’d made a deal with Satan — or was it Henry Kissinger? It’s hard to tell these days.

The news bulletin didn’t say exactly how she died, though I suspect some dippy chick from Kansas accidentally dumped a bucket of water on her shriveled-up old ass. According to her bio, she was 84, though to be quite honest, I don’t think the old battle-axe looked a day over 200.

She said that the deaths of half a million Iraqis — at least half of them children — from US economic warfare was “worth it”.

She said in 2016 that there was “a special place in Hell” for voters who wouldn’t support Hillary Clinton.

Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha haahhh, yeah. Special place in Hell? Suits me fine. I’ll see ya’ down there, BEYOTCH.

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This Is Your Captain Speaking…

By mike flugennockThursday - August 19th, 2021Categories: Afghanistan, Bidenism, Middle East, war and peace, War on Terror

I present for you now, ladies’n’gents, my very first cartoon of the 2024 Presidential campaign — and leave all hope behind…

Human remains were reportedly found in the landing gear of a US military plane after it departed Kabul airport, with harrowing unverified footage purporting to show a person trapped on the plane’s exterior as it took off…

…In footage too graphic to publish, presumably filmed through a window by a passenger on board the plane, the person was seen trapped outside the craft in mid-flight, though it is unclear exactly when the video was captured or how long after the C-17 took off.

—, 08.17.2021

…and the tweet in question has since been pulled for “violating the Twitter rules” — though, luckily, that evil, terrible old Russian-controlled media nabbed us a frame or two. I wish I’d jumped on it and downloaded a copy of the video as soon as I saw it — barely 7 months in, and we already have a disgustingly apt visual metaphor for the entirety of the Biden Years.

This is your future, working-class America.

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Miss Kabul

By mike flugennockSunday - August 15th, 2021Categories: Afghanistan, Bidenism, war and peace, War on Terror

Elvis has left the building. At last.

…and as the band was playing him out, the Beltway chattering class was in a mass conniption over all those poor, helpless collaborators we left behind, and our lack of political will, and how, if we could only piss away another trillion or two and tough it out until mid-century, we could lick those mean old Taliban once and for all.

In the days leading up to Elvis’ departure from the building, the press was full of screeching and howling about how this wasn’t going to be like the evacuation of Saigon, honest it wasn’t, seriously, for real — and the louder they howled, the more convinced I was that it would be like the evacuation of Saigon, except even more awesome.

I was 18 when I watched terrified Embassy flunkies being plucked off the roof by the choppers on TV. The draft had officially ended around 1971 or so, but I still had to register. Got a ready-to-burn card and everything. The day Saigon fell, I was about two weeks from graduating high school, and classified 1-H.

Turn out the lights, the party’s over…!

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Mow The Lawn

By mike flugennockMonday - May 17th, 2021Categories: Middle East, Palestine, war and peace

So, the other day I’m doomscrolling the news from Gaza, and I stumbled over this 8 year-old Truthout article that somebody dug up and tweeted. The callousness of Washington foreign-policy think tanks — and the Israeli general public — is perversely spectacular:

Israeli hardliners joke about the periodic need to decimate each new generation of Palestinian militants as “mowing the grass,” a process underway again in new bombardments of Gaza. This ugly metaphor has also penetrated the think-tank world of Official Washington, as ex-CIA analyst Elizabeth Murray learned.

In early 2010, one of Washington DC’s most prestigious think tanks was holding a seminar on the Middle East which included a discussion of Israel’s December 2008-January 2009 assault on Gaza which killed about 1,300 Palestinians. When the death toll was mentioned, one expert on the panel smiled enigmatically and intoned: “It’s unfortunate, but every once in a while you have to mow the lawn.”

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