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Jaws 2: This Time, It’s Personal

By mike flugennockWednesday - January 10th, 2018Categories: Health Care, liberty, right wingnuts, Trumpism

Just when Jeff Sessions thought it was safe to go back into the water…

As you’ll recall a week or two back, AG Jeff Sessions rescinded the Cole Memo, which prevented Federal authorities from interfering with the policies of states which had legalized marijuana.

Much to most everyone’s delight, Sessions’ action seems to have the opposite effect; Vermont passed a legalization law this week, and Massachusetts is continuing with its plans to begin commercial sales after legalizing this past year.

If the sonofabitch wants a war, he’s got one. Bring it.
Free the heads, jail the feds.

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Another Herblock Homage

By mike flugennockMonday - April 10th, 2017Categories: DC Local, elections, liberty, right wingnuts, smoke-ins

…in which The Kid tries to “bend it like Herblock”.

At the instigation of my old BBF and comrade Adam Eidinger at DCMJ, here’s a Herblock homage depicting DC’s special friends, US Reps. Andy Harris and Jason Chaffetz on the news that 60% of Americans surveyed now support legal marijuana (Gallup, October 2016), on the occasion of the April 24th Capitol Smoke-In.

11×17 inch medium-res grayscale .jpg image, 1.2mb
11×17 inch high-res grayscale .jpg image, 4mb

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DCMJ Says “Welcome to Washington, DC!”

By mike flugennockWednesday - January 4th, 2017Categories: 2016 Election, DC Local, elections, Health Care, liberty, right wingnuts, smoke-ins, Trumpism

DCMJ says "Welcome to Washington, 115th Congress", 01.03.17 from Mike Flugennock on Vimeo.

Yesterday, January 3, the DCMJ Welcoming Committee was on hand at Union Station to greet new and returning staffers to the incoming 115th Congress with leaflets and a little education on Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Trump’s nominee for US Attorney General. This was followed by yet another jaunt up to Capitol Hill to Senators’ offices to pass out a letter containing questions for Sessions’ confirmation hearings, after which we adjourned to the DCMJ World Headquarters for a good old-fashioned rolling party in preparation for January 20.

Photographed and edited by Mike Flugennock,
TRT 06:36

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This Is Your Brain On Jeff Sessions

By mike flugennockWednesday - December 14th, 2016Categories: elections, liberty, right wingnuts, Trumpism

Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, The Donald’s nominee for Attorney General, is known for some pretty Neanderthal positions on civil liberties issues, but none are quite as knuckle-dragging as his creaky, shopworn, 1980s “Just Say No Club” position on marijuana. This, despite at least half the states in the country having some form of decriminalization or legalization for medical and recreational use.

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