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This Is Your Brain On Jeff Sessions

By mike flugennockWednesday - December 14th, 2016Categories: Trumpism, elections, liberty, right wingnuts

Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, The Donald’s nominee for Attorney General, is known for some pretty Neanderthal positions on civil liberties issues, but none are quite as knuckle-dragging as his creaky, shopworn, 1980s “Just Say No Club” position on marijuana. This, despite at least half the states in the country having some form of decriminalization or legalization for medical and recreational use.

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Bad People: An Infographic

By mike flugennockWednesday - November 23rd, 2016Categories: Health Care, Trumpism, elections, liberty, right wingnuts

“Good people don’t smoke marijuana.”
– Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-AL, Trump AG nominee

So, roughly speaking, that’d be maybe 60 million people in at least half the states in the country that voted for the decriminalization or legalization of cannabis for recreational and/or medical use? Wow, that’s a whole lot of bad people.

From the latest at

Donald Trump has tapped one of the biggest prohibitionists in Congress to be the Attorney General of the United States: Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions. Earlier this year the Alabama Senator said “good people don’t smoke marijuana,” and while we don’t know yet if he’ll respect states rights (or DC’s rights since we are not a state) or if he’ll do what John Ashcroft did as George W. Bush’s Attorney General: raid lawful cannabis grows, raid lawful dispensaries, and even go so far as crack down on paraphernalia vendors. Let’s not forget why Tommy Chong went to jail and why history may repeat itself if we don’t act NOW!

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He Can’t Say “Radical Islam”

By mike flugennockFriday - June 17th, 2016Categories: 2016 Election, Middle East, Obamarama, Party Animals, War on Terror, elections, media, right wingnuts

Never mind that the stew of motives for the Orlando nightclub mass shooting pretty much includes everything but ISIS. Never mind that the shooter’s attachment to ISIS was on the level of a metalhead’s allegiance to his favorite band (Dokken RULES!). Once the media got the slightest whiff of an ISIS connection, they and the politicians were on it like a dog with an old shoe, pausing only briefly to pretend to care about gays and lesbians before returning to the ongoing ISISfest – which brings us to Donald “You’re Fired” Trump.

Despite the shooter’s ISIS connection being weak at best, it didn’t stop The Donald from a spasm of self-congratulatory yelling and screaming about ISIS and Muslims and immigrants and kicking Obama’s nuts by bitching about Obummer’s seeming inability to say the words “radical Islam”. Never mind that B.O. has bombed at least seven countries in his term in office, or that he’s had this country perpetually at war in the Middle East, or that he hasn’t lifted a finger to stop the wave of hate and discrimination against American Muslims — dude can’t say “radical Islam”, and maa-aan, has it got The Donald’s panties in a twist.

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President Trump

By mike flugennockThursday - May 26th, 2016Categories: 2016 Election, Party Animals, Trumpism, elections, media, right wingnuts

So, the last polls I looked at in the If The Election Were Held Today Department had Sanders beating The Donald in the general fairly easily. So, while Hillary may be able to lie, cheat, steal and backstab her way to the nomination, she’ll likely be toasted in November. Still, the Hillaroids will no doubt find some twisted, otherworldly reason why it’s our fault for not supporting her lying, thieving, imperialist neoliberal ass… because, as we all know, nothing is ever Hillary’s fault, right?

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