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Ye Olde Colonial Constituents Day

By mike flugennockSunday - February 8th, 2015Categories: DC Local, elections, liberty, right wingnuts

Congratulations, DC! Your new plantation overseer — that is, the new chairman of the House Oversight Committee — is a Mormon with an injection-molded face, one Jason Chaffetz of Utah.

Seeing as how part of his job is getting in the way of the people of Washington, DC when they try and govern themselves, then perhaps he might be interested in such issues as traffic, parking, trash pickup, Metro subway fires, and that goddamn’ streetcar project that keeps falling behind schedule.

Join us as we take these and other grievances to our new colonial governor at his office in the Rayborn Building on March 17… won’t you?

11×17 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 1mb

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Soggy, Used Teabagger

By mike flugennockTuesday - July 15th, 2014Categories: DC Local, elections, liberty, Party Animals, right wingnuts

So… when we last left DC, it was being bullied by the Federal Government in the person of one US Rep. Andy Harris of Maryland, over DC’s city council vote to decriminalize marijuana.

What I didn’t find out until just last week is that Harris ran with the Tea Party and was elected as part of the big Teabagger Wave. And here he is, using Federal power to interfere with the affairs of State and local governments. So, how’s that going down with the “base”, Mr. Get The Feds Off Our Backs?

11×12 inch medium-res grayscale .jpg image, 502kb.

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These Hands Have Been Touched By God!

By mike flugennockSaturday - July 12th, 2014Categories: DC Local, elections, Health Care, liberty, Party Animals, right wingnuts

As most of you in DC will recall, the City Council voted to decriminalize marijuana some months back. Predictably — and unlike any other city in the United States — this law passed by a local government is being interfered with by the Congress of the United States, in the form of an amendment to an appropriations bill prohibiting Federal and city money to administer the new law, introduced by a no-name clown from Maryland named Andy Harris.

The prevailing opinion among legalization and home rule advocates in DC is that if Rep. Harris wants to help govern the city of Washington, DC, he should become an official resident and run for City Council.

11×17 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 904kb.

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Noise channels

By mike flugennockThursday - January 2nd, 2014Categories: media, Obamarama, Party Animals, right wingnuts

News channels? Noise channels, more like.

Cast your memory back, for a moment, to the Bush Years — oh, sure you can, c’mon. Fox News was cheerleading for war and a burgeoning police state, calling dissenters “traitors”, yelling for every dissident’s and whistleblower’s head on a plate, and spewing GOP talking points all over us. MSNBC, in the meantime, was hollering for an end to imperialist wars, the protection of civil liberties, and all that other speaking-truth-to-power horseshit.

Fast-forward to the Obama Years. Fox News is suddenly hollering about dissent and civil liberties and Obama’s adventurism overseas. MSNBC, in the meantime, is cheerleading for war, softpedaling Obama’s use of drones to murder civilians, calling dissenters “traitors”, yelling for every dissident’s and whistleblower’s head on a plate, and spewing Democratic Party talking points all over us.

Anybody detecting a pattern here?

These three sticker designs depict the real reason for being of both of these hypocritical partisan “news” channels. The MSDNC logo may be something new to most of you, but why the Fox News parody logo, you might ask? Granted, everybody and their cat may have figured out that Fox News was a GOP mouthpiece from day one, but I thought it might be a good idea to include it, because Fair And Balanced.

MSDNC old style, 10.5 x 10 inch medium-res .jpg image, 202kb
MSDNC new style, 10 x 3 inch medium-res .jpg image, 83kb
GOP Noise, 10.25 x 7.5 inch medium-res .jpg image, 157kb

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