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Keeping Families Together

By mike flugennockThursday - June 21st, 2018Categories: liberty, Party Animals, Trumpism

WASHINGTON — President Trump caved to enormous political pressure on Wednesday and signed an executive order meant to end the separation of families at the border by detaining parents and children together for an indefinite period.

New York Times, 06.20.18

So, Mr. T has decided not to separate immigrant children from their parents in the detention camps at the border, but to keep immigrant families together — in detention camps.

In the Democratic Party, this is known as a landmark victory.

And, needless to say, the Democrats are setting a new record for jumping on an issue and co-opting it for votes, beating their previous personal best set by the March For Our Lives.

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Cops and the Klan, Hand in Hand

By mike flugennockSaturday - May 5th, 2018Categories: Black Lives Matter, right wingnuts, Trumpism

From Sacramento to Newnan to Charlottesville it should be clear to one and all at this point that the police are there to “protect and serve” corporations and fascists. Now, as always — cops and the Klan go hand in hand.

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Blue Wave II: Banzai Pipeline

By mike flugennockThursday - May 3rd, 2018Categories: elections, media, Middle East, Party Animals, Russiagate, Trumpism

Well, the latest news from the “Blue Wave” midterm election scene actually isn’t looking that good for the Democrats. Despite a Reuters poll showing a 9% drop in Milennials’ support for the Democrats and – on top of that – the Chump Schumer DACA sellout, the Doug Jones disaster, their support for a massive war budget and the bombing of Syria, their continued support for Saudi brutality in Yemen and Israeli barbarity in Gaza, the collapse of the Russiagate freakshow and the whole Joy Reid hot mess, the Democrats are still acting all cocky and talking smack about a “Blue Wave” this November that will supposedly flood the House of Representatives with new and better Democrats.

Uh huh. I’ll go heat up the Jiffy-Pop.

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Mission Accomplished, no. 3

By mike flugennockMonday - April 16th, 2018Categories: media, Trumpism, war and peace

Just before the latest round of US bombing in Syria, I found myself appalled at a sabre-rattling op-ed in the Washington Post bearing the bloodthirsty declaration “We Need To Go Big In Syria. North Korea Is Watching”. Never mind that we’re bombing Syria again despite no real evidence of chemical attacks, and before the OPCW inspectors could get in to investigate — hell, evidence is for squares these days — the US media have totally shifted from the issue of fabricated chemical attacks to this tinhorn in North Korea who we’re supposed to be scared to death of despite not being able to get his missles to work and whose nuclear arsenal isn’t even 1/10 the size of the US — the only nation in history to have actually used nuclear weapons.

Yeah, let’s make an example of this tinhorn in order to put the fear of god into this other tinhorn — classic crass schoolyard bullying. What else could you expect from an old GW Bush flunkie?

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