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If You Can’t Stop It…

By mike flugennockSaturday - December 16th, 2017Categories: liberty, media

In light of how many abysmal government decisions have been shoved through lately despite massive protests — the tax bill, net neutrality repeal, the Keystone Pipeline, the Dakota Access Pipeline, among others — it should be plenty obvious to any Left activist in this country that tired old tactics like petitions, calling up politicians and sign-waving aren’t cutting it anymore (as if they ever did).

And when politicians have gotten to the point where they feel they can openly mock and taunt citizens in public media, it can’t be any more obvious that it’s time for the U.S. Left to up their game and escalate to more revolutionary tactics — the tactics of real resistance: delay, subvert, sabotage.

It’s time for the U.S. Left to stop pretending it can win these struggles by waving signs, dropping banners and beseeching politicians, stop wasting time participating in the meaningless processes of decrepit institutions that don’t serve the People, and start gearing up to fight a real war of revolution.

Delay, subvert, sabotage.

11×17 medium-res color .jpg image, 853kb

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“Bad People”: DCMJ Returns to the Heritage Foundation

By mike flugennockSaturday - December 9th, 2017Categories: DC Local, liberty

"Bad People", DCMJ at Heritage Foundation, Washington DC 12.08.17 from Mike Flugennock on Vimeo.

A year ago this week, DCMJ showed up at the Heritage Foundation with the gift of an ounce of weed, which they turned down.

On December 8 they returned on less than 24 hours’ notice for a snap demo to greet Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who was supposed to be speaking to a super ultra double-yum secret closed meeting on US drug policy at the Heritage Foundation.

Sessions didn’t show, but DCMJ’s still got Heritage’s ounce of prime DC bud, any time they’re ready.

Photographed and edited by Mike Flugennock, TRT 03:54

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In Solidarity with Imprisoned Cartoonists

By mike flugennockMonday - December 4th, 2017Categories: liberty, media

In solidarity with cartoonists imprisoned, or currently threatened with imprisonment in India, Malaysia, Turkey, Equatorial Guinea and Australia.

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Blast From Yer Past: “Days Of Our Pole”

By mike flugennockSaturday - November 18th, 2017Categories: DC Local, liberty, smoke-ins

"Days Of Our Pole", Washington DC, April 2015 from Mike Flugennock on Vimeo.

Come back with us now, to a simpler, sweeter, more innocent time — before the last election. There was sunshine and laughter, puppies and kittens… People just seemed to smile more back then.

It was during those pure, innocent days — April 2015 — that the DCMJ Crew showed up, at 4:20 on the morning of April 15, to erect its first-ever Liberty Pole and begin the DC Democracy Vigil.

Photographed and edited by Mike Flugennock, TRT 12:14

Fotos after the jump…

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